Can Apple crack the San Bernardino killers' iPhone for the FBI? Sure, if they build an 'FBiOS'

He doesn’t need to practice what he preaches - he’s not the kind of person he’s preaching to.


Wouldn’t work. Theirs is a belief that their security trumps everything, facts be damned. This is how we ended up with the TSA and people being fine taking off their shoes and using body scanners. Not because any of these things help, but because they have a belief that they help.


We agree that thinking that security only equates to “fighting the terrorists”, and that thinking security theater is actual security is a problem. I’m blaming all of us in tech though for not getting people to see the facts. If you don’t go out there and reframe the argument, of course most people are going to listen to the ones making the most noise. This is our failure, not theirs. Just calling people dumb gets us nowhere.

No, the point is that there are no magical facts that they will listen to.

I went scuba diving once in a quarry in South Carolina. On the walk there a number of people out drinking and hanging out remarked how unnatural it was to descend below the surface of the water with equipment that wasn’t provided by god. Yet they had no problem with vehicles that could propel them much faster than they could walk.

There is a massive disconnect with a large group that sincerely believes “if you’re not doing anything wrong you have nothing to hide” yet supports Bundy’s behavior, not quite understanding that what is considered “wrong” might change. There is literally no discussion that will ever change their fast beliefs that “those” people are the only ones the government is after. It is a belief not based in facts, only in their guts, and arguments and facts cannot change those tenets.

You can take all the time you want to explain to them. Bring charts, reframe, do whatever. I’m done with them.


It’s already done.

This public “debate” is security theatre at its best, imo.

There are always those that can’t be won over by logic, but I think there’s a large number of people in the middle who haven’t had things explained in a manner that makes it “important” to them. Sorry you feel the argument is already lost.

If apple can update the dead man’s iPhone, then they can update any living man’s phone without his consent too.

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Snowden has a few interesting points about the FBI’s request:


See the comment to which you were replying. At least on my phone running iOS 9, you have to unlock the device for the update to happen. That hasn’t always been the case.

If you’re going to talk about something, you should find out how it works.

I’m pretty sure this story isn’t about your iPhone, but I’m glad to hear that you are better protected against search and seizure.

Most people still don’t realize how much of their personal life is out on the Net now. They trust these companies far too much.

So the Feds just want to make a example of Apple. Not really surprised.

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Very much yes, you are.

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You can change “your” to “anyone running current iOS.”

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The password for the San Bernardino shooter’s iCloud account and iPhone was reset hours after authorities took possession of the device.


Wow. Somebody’s not getting their Infosec forensics merit badge.


I know I am but what are glue?

San Bernardino County tweets it reset terrorist’s iCloud password with FBI

That’s heartening!

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