Can vegans and meat eaters coexist?

Yah, that’s what the OP is about, but we got off on a tangent about actual players. :grin:

No, you are oversimplifying. “Rules” is a very loaded word.

It’s not a rule that people not make transphobic jokes around me. I’m not the boss of anyone. It’s just polite for them to not do so in my presence, and I appreciate it.

Why is everyone working so hard to be dicks to their own friends? If your friend is uncomfortable around meat, don’t eat it around them. I feel bad for everyone’s friends who’s preferences are so unimportant and burdensome to you that you can’t possibly accommodate them, no matter how easy.

Eating nuts instead of beef jerky at the RPG table is the lowest possible bar to clear for not being an asshole to your own friends. What the actual fuck are you all arguing against here.