Can vegans and meat eaters coexist?

That seems like a derail

AFAIK that is not what this topic is about


Exactly what I was thinking after @VeronicaConnor confirmed my suspicionā€¦

and thank you for pointing out where the timelines split - saves me the effort!


I was gonna jump in and talk about a vegan relative but I wanted to comment on what I quoted first.

Thatā€™s wonderful, I have never expected any of my friends or family to do that but they never make me feel uncomfortable because they know that I donā€™t drink.

Itā€™s nice that you would that.

When our daughter got married several years ago she told me they were going to have a dry wedding out of respect for me. Made me happy but I told her no, it was alright if they wanted alcohol. The fact that she was concerned confirmed what weā€™ve known all along, sheā€™s a great daughter.

Back to the vegan thing. We have a great niece thatā€™s a vegan, she doesnā€™t expect any special menu when she visits but we always make sure thereā€™s something on the menu for her.

Iā€™m a picky eater, I would never expect anyone to accommodate my eating habits but donā€™t be offended if I just eat bread, itā€™s not the cook, itā€™s me.

So yes vegans and non vegans can get along unless the vegan is also a last guy supporter, in that caseā€¦


I really like that example. I too have friends who have chosen to stop drinking, and they often stay with us for a week or more at a time (they live in another country). When theyā€™re here, nobody drinks alcohol. Theyā€™ve said they donā€™t mind, but why not get fun non-alcoholic drinks and enjoy them all together for a change of pace instead? Nobody NEEDS to drink alcohol, just like nobody NEEDS for everything they consume to have meat in it. (Unless youā€™re a cat, or snake, etc.)


Left out of this thread is anyone asking the vegan, ā€œwould you like the table to have only vegan snacks, or are you ok with a mixed and clearly-defined bunch of stuff.ā€

Proceed based on the answer.


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