Yep. They aren’t going after Target for Cat & Jack clothes. An actual clothing line (and a good one, FYI, quite durable) with CAT in the name. I wish I designed for Cat & Jack just so I could put out some Cat & Jack branded T-shirts featuring the word CAT and a cute caterpillar. Then wait to see if the Big Mean Caterpillar tries to take on Target. They probably wouldn’t- Target is its own juggernaut.
That may be their excuse and cover story for doing this, to make them look like vigorous defenders of their trademark, and why they chose a tiny coffee company to sue. They don’t have to do this. Someone in legal was either bored, has a hate-on for Cat & Cloud, or decided “we need a few more trademark defenses on our record- what small company can we screw over to get that?” Because choosing a small company means it costs Caterpillar less.
Edited to add:
Jared_truby didn’t link to the Cat & Cloud website. Maybe he is too honorable? Also, no offense meant by characterizing your company as tiny and small- it just is in comparison to Caterpillar
But for those Boingers with a bit of walking-around-money to spend, maybe pick up something from the Cat & Cloud store.
They have the hat and coffee!