Changes to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA)

For years, the internet giants have held on dear to their get-out-of-jail-free card. Here are those trying to take that away

Analysis The simmering debate over legal immunity given to online platforms like Facebook and Google in America has grown hotter with a new report from the Department of Justice outlining changes it hopes to make to the rules.


I’m not sure if i accept too much of the ideology from techdirt related to section 230, but it seems the changes proposed range from impossible to write into a law, like the protection only for political neutral and removing it for the “bad samaritans,” to counter-productive, like the new exception, following the SOPA effects.

If they can pass the changes they want to remove the blanket immunity, or at least make it a bit closer to some European rules, like timely dealing with complains or get sued later, it will lead to much more defensive moderation and probably the removal of the remaining comments sections in the websites that are not the dominant ones.
For the biggest ones, the sheer amount of content posted and a small error rate will make even them unable to deal with the liabilities.

But, instead of having the internet looking more like a bigger cable tv, i don’t think users would accept those changes so passively.
I guess they would just try to find some other platforms not from the US to join and be able to continue communicating as usual.

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