Originally published at: Chinese e-commerce platform bans "Lie Flat Cat" merchandise for violating "public order and morality" | Boing Boing
First cats are committing extinction-level bird-crime, then they’re trying to undermine China. Cats are jerks!
Wait until you see what Great Danes are doing.
I’m lying flat right now. Fuck those guys!
will they similarly attack this guy for suggesting that it’s ok to rest on weekends?
Looking forward to sploot entering the Chinese lexicon.
I watched a news show about how Hong Kong was having troubles finding workers for the financial business. They were saying companies were cutting back and relocating elsewhere. They had a lot of reasons but never once did they mention Beijing’s authoritarian rules.
Aren’t those just normal cats?
If these petty authoritarians are so concerned about laziness as a real workplace problem, they might want to take a look at the members of whichever committee decided that banning cat cartoons would do anything to address it.
“…unconstrained autocrats make horrendous mistakes.”
true for this too.
You might think that they would reward the industrious entrepreneurs who worked out how to profit from an anti-materialist movement.
I’m with them on the second point, the first, however…
You know what you are, don’t you!
(A threat to public order and morality.)
Shame onwell done you!
It’s a mindset I’ve spent years cultivating.
I am reminded of people characterizing people only doing the work that they are contracted and paid for as “quiet quitting.”
Also known as a work-to-rule.
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