Coca-Cola is paying dietitians to tweet scare-stories about soda taxes

those are my favorite, i almost never ever have them, but they are one of the few sodas that i like the flavor of. that and the gingerales.

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Has anyone in this thread brought up a soda tax before you did?

Do you have any of the people you quoted on record as supporting a soda tax?

Or are you just assuming, and making an “ass” of “u?”


And other than people controlling me via sin taxes, what is the point of a soda tax, or a bag tax?, or even cigarette taxes beyond a certain point (and I hate tobacco, btw.)

The government will not be using the money to make the world better, and it sure as hell won’t be paying doctors for anything. And so what if a company is defending itself? How is exactly is that a sin?

Sides, a 12 oz Coke has 140 calories. A 12 mocha frappachino has 180. A Strawberry’s Wild Smoothie from Jamba has 260. Even a 16 oz orange juice? 160.

My body. My choices. Not yours. Or is that only if I am a woman who wants an abortion?

Again, none of the people quoted ever said or even implied that they were for a soda tax. In fact, two out of the four of us said we were against a soda tax.

I’m not a big believer in regressive taxes. I think the less regressive tax, the better. This tax will be totally counterproductive, because people who count pennies aren’t likely to waste money on soda, but people who buy soda as an afterthought don’t care too much about how much it costs.

I do have qualms about dietitians claiming something is healthy when it isn’t, or not disclosing that they are being paid to tweet something. There’s no outrage on my part, but my bullshit detector is pinging a little bit.

Orange juice has 17% more calories than Coke, but Coke has no nutrients. It’s just empty calories. The rest of the stuff on that list is just straight-up junk with no pretensions about being healthy.

Brown Flag! Straw man, penalty on the play. Try again, and this time come correct.


Fair enough. I shot from the hip. I apologize.


What Coke is doing is not new though. Orange juice was never a part of anyone’s diet until trains made transport of oranges possible, and then, the orange growers of Florida and California started touting the health benefits of the juice. Oranges are good for you. They have fiber and grow on trees. Orange juice, without pulp? Not much different from Hawaiian Punch. And no, I am not arguing for Hawaiian Punch, just saying that OJ as usually sold isn’t really that nutritionally solid either.

I would accept that I would like Coke to go back to cane sugar, since studies have seen the rise of diabetes whenever High Fructose Corn Syrup became a thing.

As someone who likes Coke, I am almost constantly getting told how bad it is, like it’s tobacco or something. I honestly get tired of it. I don’t smoke, don’t drink, never have done drugs, but Coke is my thing, so it’s the thing I get defensive about. And as we seem to agree on, I am against sin taxes in their many forms because A) I don’t think anyone actually changes their behavior based on these taxes, and B) freedom really is about the government laying off controlling everything we do from dawn till dusk. I do go on similar rants about low flow toilets and 10 cents for a paper bag, so I will apologize about the abortion thing. It was meant as example, not topic change.

Nothing I posted was to you directly, even if you think so. Glad to see you aren’t for regressive taxes, but I would not know it from reading the thread. All I saw are things about Cadbury Creme Eggs and the like, which came across to me as “Tax the hell out of it man.” That’s what I was responding to. Anyway, have a good one!

No worries.

Maybe not to me directly, but I was one of the four people that @lollipop_jones quoted.

The general consensus in this thread seems to be that Coke is unhealthy. I agree, but I think people should be free to eat and drink unhealthy stuff, and regressive taxes are counterproductive, especially if they’re supposed to change people’s behavior.

If an extra few cents is going to stop you from buying what you want, then you have bigger problems than a sin tax, I think.

Also, are you really comparing a woman’s right to control her reproduction to your right to drink a soda and not pay some extra tax? Really?

[ETA] Thanks for backing off the abortion thing, as it was really out of line.


Ay-men to that. Part of living in a non-totalitarian state is learning the difference between “I don’t approve of X”, and “X should be illegal, or be punitively taxed”.

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