Coming Soon: Badass Delvers of the Dragon

Darkness. Darkness never changes.

Spend too long in the deep, though, and they say it can change you.

Take the tale of the Jersey Delver, fer instance. Ole tavern hands used to say that the Delver was a “little person”, which is what we called a them before they were recognized as a people of their own accord and “dwarves” became the parlance of our times. Tho’ whether the Delver was a gent or a lady no one seems to remember any better than what it was named.

One things fer sure, that lil critter always loved it some explosions. So it would go a-crawling ever deeper, ever downward, to find new places to blast. Where it got the powder… heaven knows! The Lord never fully explains the talent that we are given, let alone how to use it.

But by the Candle if the Delver didn’t have a talent for Boom. Week by week, month by month, the stacatto echo of those far off explosions got softer and softer as the excavations dug deeper and deeper. Until no one could hear them anymore.

Camp elders say that dwarf disappeared 323 years ago. And, for most, the legend of the Jersey Delver was just another cavefire story. But lately, in the last few years since that there tunnelweed rolled out from the depths and joined our camp, the rumors have been swirtling. Now, I’m not saying that there briar patch is the Jersey Delver. Hell, no one knows if that’s even a dwarf under’neath. But I’m also not saying that it’s not.

Dwarven de’Engineer

de’constructive Engineering (4)
Fancies a bit of the Molotov Ellocet. Good at making, not fixing, a hole.

Follicle Spectacle (4)
Being covered in whiskers makes one good, good, good at picking up vibrations.

Pokehair Face (1 + 1 for 200 words)
The lack of visibile body language makes Tumbleweed nigh inscrutable to most social creatures.

Dealer’s choice (1 + 1 for GM’s choice)