Completely Off-Topic

Sometimes you want to make a reply because it is funny or because it has triggered some strange connection in your brain. Rather than derailing other threads I am creating this as a place for those replies.

You can use it by quoting the post you want to comment on (so there is context), writing your reply, navigating to this thread, and only then saving your post.

You will get a pop-up asking if you want to save to the original thread or this one. Select this one and that will post it to this thread, create a link to the other thread here and the person you are replying to will be notified.

All of this just so I can say:


I am really into the concept art for this Twin Peaks reboot


Note that using this thread to create an off-topic reply to a post in this thread will not be tolerated, as it may break causality. Just regular reply to them here


 not sure that one liner jokes are the critical derail problem, generally speaking? Those are often more easily re-incorporated and can be helpful, in fact.


Oh yeah, I don’t think they are at all the problem.

I just felt like the one liner in this case was too many degrees from the topic and adds nothing at all to that conversation - while the AR-15 pin jokes do. I would not have posted it in that thread. I have had that feeling before, so I decided to try this.

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I guess it would depend on the topic and the joke. Sometimes people post highly inappropriate or offensive “jokes” in serious topics, but that should just get a flag anyways


Absolutely. This thread was not meant for those - always flag stuff that is inappropriate and offensive! . More for stuff that is very tangential or meta comments like an image making me think of the Log Lady.

ETA: I also didn’t mean it as a place for leaders to move comments they deem off topic to, more as an outlet for potentially enjoyable off topic comments that might not otherwise be made.

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 I get what some of the leaders are trying to do here, and I appreciate the effort
 still these are band-aid solutions for bullet wound problems.

Furthermore a big part of what makes BB fun is the one liners jokes and puns from witty regulars as long as they don’t end up derailing the whole thread.

I am not in favor of dumping every comment that isn’t perfectly on topic here.


Definitely not my intention!

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Yet I can see that happening anyway, regardless to your intent.

In regards to the larger issue at hand, the one that prompted you to start this post, the solution would seem to be ‘less clickbait and more mods’
 but neither of those things is going to happen, unfortunately.

I lieu of that, those who are actual allies in the dominant group need to start stepping up more for those who are NOT in the dominant group. Full stop.


Not sure how to pull this off without the community becoming a little too toxic from the effort but I like the idea of generally having a thread for jokes.


That is kinda what I was thinking - a place for a poster to put a joke or comment that they thought was worth saying, but completely off topic, like I did for the log lady thing. I did not intend it as a place for leaders to move things to.

I dunno :man_shrugging:

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Is it possible for a discussion in topic about “Off Topic” to, itself, become off-topic?


I would say inevitable

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,


sadly it’s the usual story

“In April 2019, Gizmodo and The Onion were sold to private-equity firm Great Hill Partners, which combined them into a new company named G/O Media.”

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