This is what we in the trade call a ‘knob’.
A bit more than just a “Blues singer with guitar”
@anothernewbbaccount Curious how you found the record. I’m bored of the same-ol’ on Google/DDG/Bing images, but when I search “8559” on those your record doesn’t come up.
(Edit: If I add “record” to my search it shows up. Guess I need to start branching out my searches.)
Lepidopterists seek the throttle butterfly everywhere, but if they find one they must mount it on one of these discs.
(@Logolepsy - Between the flower shop and the curry house where I live there’s a dry cleaner’s, a pharmacy, a wedding dress shop, two benches where the drunks gather, a pond where the kids feed the ducks, and an Italian restaurant. Nobody dances that route! That label might be a good entry for PrivateEye’s Pseud’s Corner.)
there was a gliding club near my wife’s british cousin’s house in kenilworth. that is how they came to rest.
GE Engstrom Carestation S/5 Anesthesia Machine Parts P/N 1505-8568-000
The Corbi family’s house looks like many other modern homes in the Hollywood Hills, with white walls, large glass windows and views of downtown Los Angeles. But it has some key differences from its neighbors. The house has been built to withstand nearly every type of disaster scenario imaginable, from storms to high-magnitude earthquakes to wildfires to pandemic to a rare but potentially crippling high-frequency electromagnetic pulse attack triggered by a nuclear bomb, solar flare or specialized weapon.
(Cued up to the house which is 2 mins into this video. If you want to revisit Sandra Bullock’s home invasion start at the beginning of the video.)
Be prepared for disappointment, though. The video says nothing about “storms to high-magnitude earthquakes to wildfires to pandemic to a rare but potentially crippling high-frequency electromagnetic pulse attack triggered by a nuclear bomb, solar flare or specialized weapon”.
@Logolepsy that bottle and label design is just gorgeous. I have rarely lusted after a bottle so much.