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I know everyone struggles to convert 3.433465 inches to millimeters (and vice versa!) all the time.
Here’s a handy image you can keep on your system’s desktop to call up when you need to convert it.
Not knowing the first thing about American rugby/handball ( ) where do I look to see 8733 in that video? (I mean, they use a rugby-ball-shaped ball and pretty much only use their hands. It’s not football, is it?)
@Logolepsy Thanks, got it now. That 8-7 in front of the 33 is hard to see on a small screen!
@anothernewbbaccount, I know nothing about “fooball” neither, but as far as I can tell, on the bottom center of the screen, the first two smaller numbers in the blue section are the wins/losses standings and the bigger number in the darker blue section is the points on the current game.