Cute raccoon enjoys riding her little red bicycle

They domesticated a few of them for research and as you pointed out, it took fifty years just to come up with for a handful of sweet-tempered ones. It’s not like all of the species is suddenly domesticated.

Especially the females with kits!

I had a pet raccoon as a kid (it was orphaned when the mother got hit by a car)… When she got to be around 3 years old she started to get a bit aggressive. She wasn’t mean or violent, but she would act out more when she didn’t get her way. She tore the screen off of the screen-door a couple times when she wanted to get in the house, etc. The final event that made my mother give her away was that she bit my mom on the wrist when my mom tried to toss her out of the car after she snuck in (she loved car rides – used to sit on the back of the seat with her paws/head on top of my brother’s head.)

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Big deal even I can do that…

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Hello Detective Tapp, I’d like to play a game.

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