Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/09/22/dark-overlord-hacker-jailed.html
how does a judge keep straight face when having to mention his hacker name. “Dark…” stops for composure “Dark Over…” stops again to suppress giggle “Dark Over Lord…” breaths sigh of relief for finally getting it out.
maybe if he got a David Bowie Labrinth makeover he could sell it.
He was “extradicted” ?
Christ, what an asshole.
It is a common phallusy.
There are some nice optical effects in there; but, gawdelpus, everything else sucks. What a revoltin’ development.
Granted that the duck costume is awful, especially today with CGI and motion capture, but everything else is so wrong as well.
Not only hacking but HIPAA violations? That dude is lucky to get off with just a $1.5M fine.
This explains the letter I got from Trinity health yesterday. My son was one of the victims of this hacker. How nice of them to wait 2 years to bother telling us.
Exactly how many additional penises did they graft on?
The guy’s scam bombed… just like Howard the Duck.
You win for today. I’ll be off now until tomorrow.
Until the morrow, then!
Gawd, I had forgotten how awful that movie was
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