Data-compression with playing cards

This is very neat, and it offers a simple introduction to hash collisions! In the 5-bit letter encoding scheme, for example, you can insert a string of 52 "e"s anywhere in the message, as many times as you want, and the resulting card orders would be exactly the same.


Am I missing something, or is the number of bits encodable with 52 cards simply log₂(52!)?

Came here for that. Left satisfied.

IIRC there is a chapter of a Robert Heinlein novel devoted to a protagonist having 2 conversations at once with his cell-mate - one conversation is verbal & mundane for the listening ears of their jailers, the other is held through a deck of playing cards that both prisoners are arranging in code of some sort while shuffling & playing. I do not recall if they are only trading conversational modifiers, or are encoding messages more fully. Also I cannot recall the novel/story title - a quick google search didn’t help, sry. But it was interesting enough that it came to mind ~20+ years later when asked ‘If you know of related work, please add it in the comments’.

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Encoding is the easy bit!

Now, decoding, that’ll keep you busy.

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