DEA will ban kratom, a popular herbal supplement

With five herniated discs, I’ve been in severe pain for years. After the VA cut off a lot of veterans from pain medication, or just reducing them drastically, I needed to find an alternative. Another veteran told me about Kratom, so I gave it a try. It became a lifesaver for me. Not only do I have no side effects, my stomach is no longer in pain because of pain medication.

Every week, I alternate between Kratom and pain medication. Because of this, I’m able to make my pain meds last longer and don’t have to worry about building a tolerance to them. But now, if they ban Kratom, I won’t know what to do. Since the VA won’t increase my pain medication, I will be left in horrible pain. When I have severe pain, I can’t walk; my legs become useless. I lose control of my bladder as well. Why is the government doing this? It’s simple: money.

I have yet to hear of a single death from a Kratom overdose. I’ve never heard of a junkie stealing to support his Kratom habit. In other words, the government is full of crap!