Degoo lets you lock down 15TB of cloud storage space for life for less than $150

Originally published at:

“for life”
I’m sure Degoo will still be around in 50 years. As we all know, internet and tech companies are built up and never die. I “asked Jeeves” and it said my Prodigy account is still going strong. I posted this information to a Hotline server chat room and was ICQ’d back that I needn’t be concerned.


Bless your heart BB, you can think about selling cloud storage at this moment.


My Life vs Degoo Life. BEGIN!

When they say “for life,” they mean the life of the company, right? Once I had free email for life from a company that is no longer with us. I was lucky to see the news that it was at death’s door and back up my messages before it expired.


If you’re under the age of 85, my money’s on you.

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