Design suggestion box

Feature changes on a Friday just before a 3 day weekend. That reminds me I should go look for new legislation, recently declassified documents, and possibly embarrassing / incriminating corporate announcements.


Yeah weird… I have it enabled on meta … will watch it a bit more closely.

Wait a second:

What’s on the list? I certainly hope this is on it:



I thought the merging of the notifications and profile button made a lot of sense, since it’s not like I need to check my profile or preferences that often. But then it turns out it also made it so that you need to visit your profile or preferences to log out. I guess leaving isn’t considered a common action?

What is this “log out” of which you speak? :wink:


Here’s an idea: how about if Rob is physically restrained from monkeying about with the site until he has tried out his wacky ideas on information design on a test version of the site and gotten feedback. You know, rather than trying something half-baked live and tinkering with it on the fly for the next 72 hours as the complaints roll in.


Now that this has been bumped, I still maintain that it is suboptimal that as far as I can tell the All and Replies views on the profile page do exactly the same thing.

When I see seven distinct categories and then one named All on top, then I naively expect All to aggregate more than one of them, perhaps even all. They are also right next to each other. So it doesn’t add much as an alternative way to access the same information either.

Harmless? Indeed. But also a bit stupid.

Perhaps there is a meaningful difference in other Discourse installations.


I am sad that the link stopped working. Until today, it gave me the old chronological set of stories with a paragraph for each; this I could peruse happily. Now it just routes to the main page, two-dimensional like the Windows 8 tile screen. No summaries and difficult to sequence through.


Oh hell, i could do with getting the logout option in the drop-down back. Less clicks not more!

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it’s at now

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Fix the damn ‘read full post’ on the BBS so it doesn’t just give you a URL for the full article on the site. Land’s sakes, if you need page impressions, can clicking ‘read full article’ not count? We’ve, in fact, read the full article, innit?


Not necessarily. Given how messed up the main links are at the moment, going to the bbs is still the easiest way to find new articles. Like, Rob said yesterday to go to to read the blog old-style, and put that as the Blog link on the front page, but that page isn’t updating, or isn’t updating properly.

But you can’t read the articles on the BBS right now, because they broke that.

Save us @gwwar, you’re our only hope.


RSS is the way to read the blog without worrying about discomfiting design changes, but the feed is still only updating about once every 24 hours. (It’s not a client issue, because that behavior is not exhibited with any other site.)

I get posts within about five minutes on Feedly. Sometimes quicker.

Whoops, I spoke too soon. Looks like I’d been using an obsolete URL for the feed. works correctly, does not.

On Feedly, do you see all the pictures that go with the article? Since the change, on Newsblur I’m not seeing any images that are above the first bit of text.

Like this?

Sometimes the images break, but they’ve mostly patched that up in the last few months I think.

The scripts have been updated, so update your bookmarklets if you’re still using them.

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