Does holding your breath while walking past others help prevent Covid-19?

Masks actually tested to provide > 95% aerosol particle filtration are now widely available commercially.

But we’re still talking about whether holding our breath is a good COVID-prevention strategy.

The scope and magnitude of government dysfunction required to get here was heretofore unimaginable.

And the fact that it was done intentionally and maliciously… ugh.

I’m a little confused about this breathing thing. Aside from this Covid precautionary, some say you should not routinely hold your breath, others say you should. Evidently a lowered breathing rate is good for your health, lowers anxiety, and importantly, reduces blood pressure. The breathing exercise I have been doing are not difficult and I can get to 4 breathes per minute without difficulty (for 20 minutes). But this outfit says breath in then breath out and don’t hold your breath - which they say is not a good habit, but nevertheless one which comes naturally for me. Other devotees are doing breath exercises that do require you to hold your breath. Thoughts anyone?

Masks protect others from you much more than they protect you from them. Social solidarity and all that, something Americans aren’t very good at. Just don’t get in the airspace of someone not wearing a mask.

Believe it or not, a primary infection route is actually through your eyeballs. Aerosol particles with virus hit your eye, you blink, which pushes them down your tear duct into your nose full of nice mucus membranes specifically evolved to catch debris, and bob’s your uncle. Which is why when I am in full PPE at work, dealing with the confirmed exposed and the positive tested, its the face shields and goggles that really count, much more than the mask.

Holding your breath then gasping is actually a bad idea, if you are asymptomatic you are probably pushing more moisture & virus laden breath through your mask out into the environment. And the inhale after you gasp is likely to be deeper and faster.

Thanks Rob but I was referring to general breath exercises rather than Covid preventing walk-past kind. Yes, a lot of people do not realise that diseases can enter the body through any opening - especially the eyes. Haven’t heard much about sexual transmissibility yet, given that the virus has been isolated in sperm. But the breathing thing I was adverting to was of say, the yogic kind, and I was wondering about the virtue of holding ones breath.

Remember kids, holding your breath is only good when used in moderation. Permanent brain damage begins around the four minute mark of not receiving oxygen.

This has been proven conclusively time and again by antimaskers holding their breath for eight minutes straight.

With the top of my mask running across the bottoms of my lower eyelids (high enough to feel mask movement when I blink), and my eyeglasses pressed as close to my eyes as possible (to keep them warmer), and then breathing exclusively through my nose, I can minimize fogging.

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I would seriously wear one of those absurd helmet things if it kept my glasses clear and my air covid-free, had I the need to go out in public daily. Mercifully, I do not.

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