"Don't feed the trolls" they keep saying. and it keeps not working

Could be we all fell for a classic, old school trawl.


I know… I love that gif too. One of my faves.

I bet they had to do the take many times… or maybe they added the sound later? Or maybe the ear protection the baby had was that good? I wonder, actually, cause that’s a good question.

We aim to please at Mindy’s US history and animated gif emporium! Serving all your history and gif needs since… whenever, sometime.


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Sorry, more exact: In modern English usage, driving trollies may describe the fishing technique of slowly dragging a lure or baited hook from a moving boat[21] whereas trawling describes the generally commercial act of dragging a fishing net.

You know what’s feeding the trollies?

#Engaging in off-topic pedantic debates.

“Pedantic” said the pedant.
“Pedantic” said the pedant.
Tension, apprehension,
And dissension have begun


Trolling the feeds?


I’m guessing that those cutesy earmuffs camouflage some industrial ear defenders… pretty well, as I must’ve looked at the gif for about 15 minutes before I even noticed them.Someone in the costume dept is a weapons-grade professional.


I think you mean to reply to a different post. Can’t see how that’s relevant to my post.

I wouldn’t be surprised. Compared to the other Whovian universe shows, there is lots of weapons in Torchwood. Gwen started out as a cop, after all.


Oh, by ‘weapons grade’ I meant that their costume design skills had been concentrated and refined to the point where they could sustain a chain reaction of awesome.


D’oh! But I bet the other thing is also true… Lots of banging, shooting, and a-spolding in that show.

Yes, that’s true - I thought it was supposed to be the grown-ups version of Doctor Who, although I’m not sure it achieved that exactly it was certainly more violent. I quite liked it but must admit that I preferred The Sarah Jane Adventures! As spin-offs go, at least.

Or it’s Minn-Kota-style and the line is much smaller.

I still wonder what Owen is doing in that reactor…

Yeah, Torchwood was for the adults, Sarah Jane Adventures for the kids… Both are meant to exist within the Who universe, etc. I thought they both had a hit or miss first season, and then both shows found themselves in the second. They were going good places with SJA when Lis Sladen passed away (I think it sort of ended halfway through the third planned season (when Matt Smith and Jo from the Pertwee era showed up)…

And Torchwood: Children of Earth was one of the bleakest shows I’ve ever seen, but a fine series of the who.


Huh, this explains the Bait Meme.

For what it’s worth, in the fishing industry, trawlers, long-liners, and drift-netters are well defined and separate categories of fishing boats, each requiring different designs of boat, equipment and skills.

On the other hand, I’ve often seen outsiders confuse “trawling” with industrial-level “fishing” in general. Still, I’d classify that as the dictionary getting it wrong in this case. Cussed landlubbers.

If you are using a service like Twitter or Facebook then you’re in an inherently unsafe, unpoliced environment.

As I said here.

These services need to reform how they handle this stuff (and Twitter has made some strides) otherwise when you use Twitter and Facebook you are making the virtual equivalent of travelling to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, or the Ukraine.

You should have no expectation of safety on Twitter or Facebook, because there is none. Free speech, to these guys, means unlimited hate speech and bile. They are unmoderated spaces, libertarian paradises on earth.

The answer to “don’t feed the trolls”, is to stay in strongly moderated spaces where this kind of bullshit is not tolerated under the banner of free speech.


This isn’t entirely true, there have been many instances of people being charged and sentenced in the UK for posts on Twitter (and I know there are also laws in France and Germany and possibly other European countries that could result in the same, and maybe have), which is something I think is pretty ridiculous to be honest. I assume this could never happen in the US.