DRM and terms-of-service have ended true ownership, turning us into "tenants of our own devices"

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/05/20/tenant-farmers-2-0.html


mmmm my siri has been getting more demanding and bossy lately.

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I guess this just drives a cheaper market for devices, which are not expensive enough to bother to repair.

Just toss them and buy another. If all your data is in the cloud or stored on local media it isn’t a big deal unless you care about the environment.

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The (quite explicit) goal here is to apply copyright to everything and use licensing terms to ensure that no “sale” happens under copyright law. So that way instead of having the rights granted to the owners of an item, a “user” only has the much more limited rights granted them under their license. I would argue that at a minimum, the marketers should not be able to use terms like “sell” or “buy” or “purchase” to describe these transactions. There is nothing wrong with renting an object per se but nobody shoud be mislead into thinking that they are actually BUYING the object.


that’s only because when we say “cheaper” we are only talking about the purchase price. We tend to forget about all of the other costs. When we consider the moral costs of sweatshop workers, to strip mining, e-waste, etc the price is more than we should be willing to pay.

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I’m dealing with something along these lines right now. Due to a credit card theft I have to update my Apple ID payment info. Due to iTunes being a horrible piece of software I have to do it online. Due to apple being… Apple… I have to put in answers to security questions even though I know the password. Security questions setup and forgotten over a decade ago. Apple has no way of getting me access to said account short of brute force (a few tries every 8 hours). At stake are all the purchases made on this account since pretty much the beginning of the iTunes Store. Since it’s all licenses not anything I actually own I’m pretty much fucked and Apple doesn’t care.

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DRM-free music: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/15/technology/personaltech/music-streaming-cd.html

DRM-free phone: https://shop.puri.sm/shop/librem-5/ (Once it’s finally out)

DRM-free games: https://www.gog.com/

Save YouTube videos you like so they never just disappear: https://ytdl-org.github.io/youtube-dl/index.html

A steady trickle of DRM-free “maker” eBooks (plus a curated trickle of fiction): https://www.humblebundle.com/


The money I give Apple, is theirs to do whatever they want with. But the object they give me in return, is not mine to do whatever I want with. Its hard to imagine a less free economic exchange.

With traditional company towns, its geography that limits the ir scope. But when the company controls a world market, the whole planet becomes a company town.


Hard to imagine a less free…

Well with last weekend’s four Intel vulns, it looks like the exchanges have at least have some looser kernel bases and keys; malicious strangers will soon want you to remember just plain liking mumblecore, for no cruel reason at all!
So…hash AppleDevsCoin, iOSishCoin, u.loopCoin or A Particular Mac for less free but more equitable?

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I have an audible account and the first thing a do when I get a new book is remove the drm with inaudible and store it on my nas.

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So you’ve never bothered making a written note of passwords and other security info for all of the services that you use?
Excuse me while I try to find my tiny violin, I know I had it around here somewhere…

So you’ve never lost/forgotten something from over a decade ago? Maybe instead of searching for that violin you can work on being less of an asshole.

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We do not inherit the iPhone from our ancestors, we borrow it from the corporatocracy.

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Ditto for offline devices. I would love the option of keeping half of my devices airgapped and loading updates via thumb drive, but whereinhell is the wifi chip/card on a cellphone so I can kill that MF??

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