Effective July 15, British porn consumers will be required entrust their sexual tastes to private companies' badly secured databases

I don’t think that problem manifests here in quite the same way, at least.

how do they know credit card == over 18?

in the states you can buy a gift card that runs like a credit card with cash.


meanwhile there is some limey perv totally into this.\

edit: oh yeah how many records are in my query ? how many fields it is wearing ?


Weird, long time T-Mobile user, never seen anything like that. Is this for something other than regular phone/data service?

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Dunno. It was a while ago. Maybe an accidental opt out setting instead of of opt in?

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Beware of electing any politician who is a child of a vicar/preacher.

How do you think it is for those of us who are stuck there?

The CCTV thing is a problem, but it’s not as big as people think it is though (no distinction was made between state owned and private CCTV in the study). How bad would the USA look if they counted every CCTV system installed in a private business?


Meanwhile British lawmakers already learned about VPNs and Tor to get their pornography


It’s been a while since i bought one, so I forget the details, but those gift cards don’t always work online.
And when they do, the commerce sites know they’re prepaid gift cards.

I bought some back in my churning days to hit spending minimums to get airline points. Some require you to activate the card by calling a phone number (presumably for anti-money laundering reasons)

But you could do that with a burner (also paid in cash).

People paid for porn for hundreds of years - I’m sure some kid will shell out 20 bucks for a tracphone and a gift card to get access to infinite porn.

Only very stupid kids. The rest will just torrent it.


Nanny. State.


We had that already, this is much worse and in addition to that.

Luckily, it’s so easy to bypass it’s laughable. The only people who’ll be effected will be the technically illiterate :confused:

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