Egoistic Altruism - a selfish argument for making the world a better place

I’ve always described it as “survival of the least obviously unfit before reproduction could happen”.


I like creating self-contradicting slogans. I created this one some time in the 90’s:

Altruism is just a little something I do for myself!

I meant it in a smart-ass way, but I still also believe you can’t help somebody else without also helping yourself.

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The Lord helps those who help themselves so be sure to take a second helping.

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What’s also true is the idea of:

Put on your own oxygen mask first.

Sometimes you have to help yourself before you can help others.

Another favorite saying in my family:

I skipped seconds and went right to thirds!

I’m not sure why it’s news that altruism is quite possibly nothing more than enlightened self-interest.

Not all fuckwits are arseholes, but all arseholes are fuckwits.

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Crab mentality - Wikipedia ?

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I watched it too (i am subscribed to the channel thanks to BB), but i found the video oversimplifies a bit too much…

With the downside that after that one time, it gets a lot harder to earn points. You might as well stop playing after that, as you then find it harder to get people to play another round with you.

Yeah, the reality is that game theory seeking Nash equilibriums isn’t actually good at solving problems. In real life if you design your whole life around avoiding getting screwed you lose a lot more than you gain.

I just don’t think you can apply that egotistical game theory type of thinking to get to where the post wants to get. You actually have to step outside selfishness (even enlightened selfishness) if you want to get the best result.


More often people want to deprive others of even not so nice things as a means of extracting continual labor/rent. Even if the extraction itself is inefficient. I mean look at those old YouTube videos of rich kids extorting bums to do humiliating things.


The problem is that too many libertarian types like to extract rent for its own sake. I mean look at the Keurig machines and DRM in general as a sign of what lies in the hearts of those folks. It’s not mere profit seeking, it’s total control of the human condition (more or less).


I did not know that crabs in a bucket would pull any potential escapees back into the bucket to ensure they suffer the collective fate of the lot.

That’s bold. :grin:

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