Egotism, Brinkmanship, and Energy Leeching as Commentary

Sure. but not all philosophy is theory based. Pragmatists work to apply their ideas about the world to real life and to shape the world into a more ethical and moral place. It’s obviously not the same as how math is used, but it’s also not just sitting around wanking about ideas, either. Plus, philosophy often intersects with other fields that seek to understand society, people, or the past (sociology, history, anthropology, etc).


I’m being facetious. I know diddly about philosophy except the material covered in my college classes, which I absolutely hated.

Edit: Oh and also the material covered by The Good Place, as stated above. :grin:


Right? I kept thinking “I’m trying to read this, why are my eyes un-focusing after one sentence?”


Nonetheless, it’s important to remind people that philosophy, history, and the humanities in general still matter, and we dismiss them at our peril. Cutting of funding for the humanities and arts in favor of pushing STEM has not made Americans better, more creative, empathetic people who understand humanity better. Education isn’t just about preparation for a job, it’s about having a broad base of knowledge that you can use to make informed decisions in life.


I completely agree. I also wish I didn’t have the artistic ability of a rock.

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You know how you get better at art… practice! My kid is a great artist, and it’s because she literally draws all the time and has been doing so for years now.


My dad had a lot of talent for drawing and painting. My sister too.

Me? I can barely - and I mean barely - draw stick figures.

Edit: I also took guitar and keyboard lessons for quite some time…nope. I apparently have no sense of rhythm or timing either. Also no ear for pitch or key or whatever else they call noises that I apparently can not distinguish from other very similar noises.

Edit Edit: Of course if your problem is math, physics, computer programming, hardware, or linux, then I might be able to help. Funnily enough I used to be pretty good at Dance Central on the Xbox+Kinect, although I’ve never danced in my life. Although, I once actually blew out my knee playing that stupid game.


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