well the important thing is we’re all upset about it
Those particular ones were used in old comics as a representation of extreme profanity, as I’ll bet you knew.
This ruling is a lot more narrow than that.
That’s actually the opposite of what this ruling says.
I mean, that’s not actually possible, but wild speculations aren’t really the purview of a court (in Canada anyway). They’re judging this thing that happened here and now.
Weird flex, but okay.
What? Easy there, that’s way way off the rails from this legal decision. Nobody has said anything close to that.
Um, that’s literally their job.
It’s a weird case, but that’s all it is. One weird case.
Take a deep breath, friend. Everything is gonna be okay.
It’s almost like language evolved explicitly for the transfer of information /s
See, this is exactly what it comes down to. I would never ever do that and if someone sent me a , I would interpret it as “I have read and agree with your previous text”.
I’d say none of us is right or wrong here, but it illustrates how difficult it is to rely on emojis alone to convey meaning.
…and this is why we have judges– to decide stuff that reasonable people can disagree on
It’s also worth noting that this casual conversation on the case doesn’t contain all the details that the judge had. For example, I think there was a long history between these two clients of doing a similar deal like this via texts, but this was the first time he used an emoji instead of words. Context like that in a case can make all the difference, but we tend to argue in generalities out here in Headline Outrage Land (worst theme park ever).
Now that you mention it, going by the headline alone almost makes it sound like Emojis are the law of the land now, like, expect your next lease to contain stuff like and and
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