Empirical review of privacy policies reveals that they are "incomprehensible" drivel

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/06/14/lexile-1300.html

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Summary of them all:

“You give us data and we sell it to the highest bidder. We return nothing to you, except maybe a ton of ads, and consistently declining quality in our software product. You agree that we are not liable for any damage that might happen to you if we fuck up and leak your info to the bad, bad people.”


Summary of privacy policies (and all EULAs):

“Click here to let us do whatever the hell we want to do. Because if you don’t click here, you won’t get to use this thing that you just installed.”


I’d say that a privacy policy you can’t understand is telling you everything you need to know. It’s just that the news isn’t so good.

It’s only when the experience will be a mitigated disaster that you need to provide details.

Also, if there is any clause that says they can change the policy without notice, then the complexity of the rest only matters in terms of how easily they can hide the change.


“We reserve the right to do things. Also, some of these things will be invasive and unethical.”

With the addition of “we can change our minds at any time” I feel this covers almost any big tech “privacy policy.”

While going after the ludicrous legalese is worthwhile, having a legal framework in place that restricts the scope of such policies seems like a more important goal.


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