Enshittification: The Thread

I want Canadian Tire, (issuer of :canada: other official currency and overall a greatly underestimated company, IMHO) to build cars based on the ~2003 Chrysler Minivan, a mid-2010’s Toyota Corolla (but more leg room), and a Mazda small pickup. Just 3 models, one trim level, lots of colours. Electric, an optional free piston linear generator for hybrid use, optional roof solar panels for that extra 10km/day free driving. Every Canadian Tire with 10 or 20 fast chargers and level 2 in the parking lot.

Fully “open source”, repair manual included, built with an eye to being easily repairable, and customizable to keep the kids busy. Stock parts, based on proven designs, built to last 20 years, not 10. Minimal internal computers. No theft-friendly crap like keyless entry.

Interior: no-nonsense buttons and knob controls, a slot for your phone but nothing more than bluetooth to the radio/MP3 player for in-flight entertainment, door slots for your (complementary) snow brush, coffee holder mid-console (thermal mugs free with purchase) with under-seat drawers complementing ample glove-box space, lots of hardpoints in the trunk for the complementary tool and bag holder, clips for your complementary axe and first aid kit on the lid of the trunk. A practical roof rack, one canoe size standard, two-canoe as optional, and straps also included.

Pull Red Green out of retirement to run the tongue-in-cheek advertising campaign.

It would be revolutionary… :grin: