Enshittification: The Thread

This seems to be a pretty common occurrence for anything that sells a few days earlier release.


They keep finding new ways to get “early adopter” to mean “willing to pay for the privilege of being a live QA tester.”


And it’s getting worse. At least with “early access” you know it’s not ready. Pay for this few days early and it doesn’t work, the supposed value vanishes. I don’t even get the appeal of it. Hell, I have 25 year old games installed that I haven’t gotten to. A few days is rounding error in that.


Fx Networks Cooking GIF by The Bear



Animated GIF


Not sure that comic is accurate.

It has the results you want on the first page.


Games as a service has always been a bad idea. However, what’s worse is that this is the second time Sony has reached inside of consoles and removed software.


The capability bothers me, but this instance is more of a :person_shrugging:. With the servers gone, it’s a waste of bits on the HD. PT was still playable. This, notsomuch.

sony defines contracts as they seem fit, like some mobster attorney;

10.1. All intellectual property rights subsisting in PSN Content, including all software, data, services, and other content subsisting in or used in connection with PSN, the Online ID and access to content and hardware used in connection with PSN belong to SIE, its affiliates, and its licensors. Use of the terms “own,” “ownership”, “purchase,” “sale,” “sold,” “sell,” “rent” or “buy” in this Agreement or in connection with PSN Content does not mean or imply any transfer of ownership of any content, data or software or any intellectual property rights from SIE, its affiliates or its licensors to any user or third party.

but they will take everything from you;

6.2. User Generated Content. We may provide functionality that allows you to create, post, or transmit content such as text, messages, comments, screenshots, pictures, photographs, voice, music, videos, streams, gameplay and game-related information and other materials created by you or others, and/or shared by you or others, via PSN or select Third-Party Services (“UGC”). By utilizing such functionality, you grant SIE a royalty-free, perpetual, global license to use, distribute, copy, modify, display, and publish your UGC for any reason, without further notice or payment to you or any third parties. You further authorize SIE to sublicense its rights to any third party, including its affiliates. You hereby waive, to the extent permitted by applicable law, all claims, including any moral or patrimonial rights, against SIE, and its affiliates for SIE’s, its affiliates, or any third party’s use of UGC. By creating, posting, streaming, or transmitting any UGC, you represent and warrant that you have the appropriate rights to use, create, post, distribute, and transmit UGC and to grant the foregoing license, and that doing so does not infringe the rights of any third party or violate any law.


Email from my vet. Wonder how this will work out?

We have exciting news to share! We are thrilled to upgrade to a new system called Vetspire starting TODAY, … This is a state-of-the-art technology solution that makes booking appointments easier, helps you better access your pet’s records, and helps streamline communication between our team and you.

You may experience temporary delays in appointment times or calls during this vital transition within our hospital. We are committed to making this change as easy as possible for you and your beloved pets. We appreciate your patience during our first couple of weeks while learning this new system!




Our vet has gone through like 3 or 4 different software packages. They all suck.


Oh hell, we just had this sort of functionality added to our system. Allowing parents to schedule their own appts sounds good, until you realize that there are rules about how and when appts are scheduled that come from insurance, and are not consistent, and usually unknown to parents. The consequence so far has been more work for our staff finding inappropriate appts, rescheduling them, and dealing with pissed off parents who “already took care of that!” Sigh…


The problem with PT is that it was never supposed to be made available in the first place. Sony’s removal of the game makes perfect sense in that light, but the fact that they made clear the impermanence of digital games is huge.

Coming soon?