Epic 4-hour documentary about YouTube plagiarists sends them scurrying desperately away

Plagiarized by a co-worker. Ohhhhh, I know that one.


I hope that Nicholas Hergott is okay.


come on…no, seriously, you said yourself

but not this because of the runtime? its in chapters and easily watchable in chunks.

here, has a downloadbutton in the left column;

Plagiarism and You(Tube) - Invidious

oh, and its great, the conclusion-chapter alone makes it worthwhile.


It’s quite watchable in pieces.


… for those of us who don’t suffer from “single-serve viewing”. The problem for me isn’t bookmark technology or the flexibility of streaming. It’s that I’m pretty powerless to stop watching something interesting. The problem’s not HBomberGuy, it’s me.

I have a similar issue with potato chips.

Mmmmm, chips…


I hear you. set a timer, works for me…sometimes.


Understand Captain America GIF


so the four hour video is two hours on youtube plagiarism and two hours on one particular plagiarist – James Somerton?

Inside the video itself, it does use the chapters feature to insert bookmarks / jump points, there are 15 main “content” chapters and then another handful of intro and conclusion chapters. Those range in length from 5 to 25 minutes, I’ve been watching those in chunks over the last day!


My very personal considerations are that…
…what makes it exceptional isn’t the duration or its courage, but Hbomberguy 's understanding of the offense—plagiarists steal from people they see as lesser than them —and his empathy for the perpetrators, who he observes doing more effort to hide the plagiarism than citing or originality would take and therefore must be trapped in a succedaneous mentality that confines not only their work but their ability for self-realization.


Out of joke, whenever Hbomberguy publish a new video, I reserve some time to watch it.
The effort, quality of information, presentation, and sheer fun, even in serious topics, are always a joy to watch - maybe in 2-4 sessions.


yep, pretty much that…and somerton erased himself almost completly from the internet yesterday.


This rabbithole just doesn’t end, even after hbomb and Todd in the Shadows’ videos more persons are coming out to talk about how manipulative Somerton has been with them offline and in private.

I’m glad the receipts are many, obviously he’s not everything wrong with the internet and I hope the severity of response changes peoples’ assumption and consumption of content just because the words seem to make sense.

Holy shit though the utter loathing he has for women/AFAB trans people, his only original additions to the plagiarized content.

In retrospect and with the Incel-acquired statements peppered in, I can only imagine he goes full into alt-right villainy with his tens of thousands of lenses and expensive new cameras he grifted out of well-meaning Patrons.


Directly, yes.

Indirectly it’s about the hundreds of people James Somerton stole writing, content, art, and video from, and trying to put credit on them for their works, and get attention (and maybe even money) to them. It’s also about the 5000 people on his Patreon who each gave him an average of $4 a month, and $61,000 at least for a movie studio that doesn’t actually produce movies. That 2 hours is about 5200 or so victims.


That sparks up a few remaining braincells from my Communications classes in Uni. There was something about how people trust second opinions more than original statements. Like, in a forum, lots of people make up their mind about a statement by reading the second comment. Like, someone responds to an article, then if the next response is “I agree” then people will trust; “I disagree” then people will be suspicious. Might be related to why people love ‘reaction’ videos so much.


There’s even some arguments that trusting a secondary or tertiary source, is more reliable. There’s a reason Wikipedia and other encyclopedias typically do not allow primary sources, instead relying on secondary and tertiary sources. If the reactor is just some rando, it’s probably not helpful. If they’re actually an expert in that field, though, and they actually pause the video and add their own information and insights, it’s not entirely worthless, then it’s not plagiarism and probably would fall under the fair use exception to copyright infringement. I still think it’s kind of lazy content, and way too many reaction videos consist of someone just watching the video and not adding anything other than the occasional “Oh, wow!” or “Interesting, I didn’t know that.”


Somerton’s Youtube channel is still viewable, but I don’t know if all the videos that were there still are.

Update : According to this reddit thread, he deleted 7 videos. They were called:

  • queer representation in modern horror
  • heartstopper and queer optimism
  • the secret crimes of a dying franchise
  • shipping - the good , the bad and the thirsty
  • the gay appeal of toxic love
  • make it big - the history of gay adult film (documentary)

And he’s lost about 50k subscribers in the last 48 hours.


I watched maybe 1 1/2 hours, tbh, it was fascinating but kinda got case closed on the last guy he was concentrating on and was like, ok, i get it.

Tbh, i thought he might move onto other examples, youtube seems full of stuff of people just recounting Wikipedia pages, adding some visuals, i kinda like some of them i guess, adding to the problem, i just have them on as background.

There’s a couple on weird disappearances and other weird stories i follow, one english, one american, that seem to cover the same exact stories just worded ever so slightly different and with different accents, i kinda enjoy them both but wouldn’t, like, recommend either as serious channels.

This stuff has been around for ages though, countless websites exist just repackaging memes, art, forum posts (mostly reddit), eradicating or obfuscating sources, i just got used to it and it’s weird seeing it brought back to light again. This is just, cool websites you once liked, getting sucked into the enshitiffication machine.

I liked his style, well presented, funny, but he thoroughly got the guy at a particular point, and it just, seemed a little cruel maybr? He was going on about internet drama at some point, and he seemed to get sucked into the same thing, i might give the rest a go, but there’s only so much repetition i can take

I’m watching more of it now, and ok, i get it, it’s another level



The problem is, this guy has been “gotten” five to ten times in the past. Politely. And he smugly shot them down and implied that the Jews or the right wing or any number of people were after him, or jealous, or famous youtubers were punching down, etc. Then his group of fans would dox, harass, threaten, and destroy people off the internet. The misogyny rings true because this crowd was absolutely BRUTAL with women. I don’t know what it is about misogynists on the left , especially in queer communities, but they’re there and Somerton seemed to have them all.

So Hbomberguy went all out. Full receipts, full proof, here’s pretty much everything on the table. He threw so much evidence out there that it’s nearly impossible to refute. The sheer volume of it alone is comprehensive and FINALLY, FINALLY Somerton is likely done.

Sucks that the last like 10 times women said something it didn’t stick, and that it took a guy repeating it (but , admittedly, more comprehensively) before it did, and the argument could be made that this is hepeating… but now those original sources are going to get SOME payment and recognition, and that’s excellent news.

I hope Hbomberguy never has to make another video like this again. I’d wager he does as well.