Epic 4-hour documentary about YouTube plagiarists sends them scurrying desperately away

so he is still trying the old tricks and not just fucking nuking the channel; pathetic.




What a shock iilluminaughtii disabled comments on all their videos…


I watched the video last night, and found it excellent. I think it’s worth sticking with it as it’s not just repetition but builds into a particularly damning case against Sumerton. Plagiarism is one thing but the sexism, betrayal and hypocrisy clarify exactly how terrible Sumerton is.


They can still be given the thumbs down what they deserve!

Keep in mind that any interaction with a video on YouTube boosts it in the algorithm though, even downvotes. It just changes who it’s pushed to


OFC! Duh! Then I’ll just block his damned channel :slight_smile:
There’s a useful Firefox extension called BlockTube that lets ya block by channel name or ID, block comments by usernames, block videos by title or ID, and other stuff. Very helpful.


-sigh- in todds take on the subject is a part about herrgott which doesnt look very…its not good
(from min 56:00 on);


Do what you must - just keep in mind that a YouTube channel “German Guy Makes Fun of British Guy Reacting to American Reacting to Something” is a distinct possibility.


We just need to get American Guy to react to German Guy reacting to British Guy reacting to American Guy, and the circle will be complete. YouTube will have reached its ultimate form! You won’t believe what happens on Iteration 3,627,293.

(Yes, there is no place for non-male voices in this brave new world of eternal reaction.)


Bonus points if all the reaction guys are very obviously the same guy wearing cheap disguises and speaking with bad accents.


Oh, now you’re just being silly.

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I would watch all of that, laughing and desperately choking, coughing and spluttering whilst smoking a spliff.


some of the stuff in that video made me say “what the fuck?” it was so out there. I know when a statement is contained inside a larger video it doesn’t stand out in the same way when it’s clipped out to just be the obviously wrong line, but still the stuff about envy of fascist body builders, accusing cis women of just about everything without evidence… It’s infuriating to say the least.


The phrase I used was “pissing on the graves of the generation that died from AIDS because of how the governments at the time handled it.”

If there’s a grave that needs to be turned into a public urinal, it’s the government leaders from that time period. (mostly Reagan and Thatcher and their toadies)

Somerton as a person is dead to me.



“I cannot overstate how foolish I feel for trusting that James’ intentions and ethics were in line with my own.”

oh, you have some nerve, mr-we-dont-do-research…


He didn’t do research, no. And that’s problematic since he wrote his “feelings” as facts. There’s a level of academic rigor that is required in the works he was producing, no doubt. And hopefully he reaches forward to get that rigor in his own works.

But all evidence thus far shows that his work actually IS his work. Shoddy though it may be, it’s not stolen at the expense of other queer writers.

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still, he had to know what was up with somerton, he had to; they were working together since 2015. I have a very, very hard time buying his whole “I am so shocked” and “ethics”-attitude.

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I disagree. He didn’t have to know, and he didn’t even have to have a clue. He was a co-writer, hired to do bit pieces through the work. He wasn’t hired to fact check, or any other process in the system. I take it you’ve probably never worked for someone that is completely unethical. Your mind has a tunnel vision that basically wants to assume the best in people. Its not healthy to approach someone thinking everything they are is a fraud. We’ve already established he didn’t do any real research, so where would he run into the articles his partner was copying?

He’s naive, certainly. And he may have known. But to say he had to? If people could clock people’s bad behavior even after a few years we wouldn’t have all these stories that come out about serial killers and sex offenders and the like where even the closest people say “I had no idea, he gave no indications.”

People aren’t nearly as good a judge of character as we think they are. He had no reason to assume James was stealing literally everything, and when you get into the queer space and start creating there, you have tons of enemies who just hate queer people coming out of the woodwork to make all manners of shitty claims.

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-aaaaand deleted-