Eric Holder: no more civil forfeiture without warrant/charges

I didn’t say immediately after their defense.

Just click on “Reply as linked topic” to one of the comments.

Anyone else worried that now if you are traveling with a large amount of cash you will have your money stolen and end up in prison for that bag of drugs the police plant on you?

This seems like political theater to me. it makes people think something is being done but it’s essentially smoke and mirrors.

Looks like the tail light back there is out - oh, and that’s a nice camper trailer you have too.

You were going 56 in a 55. We’ll need all the cash you have on hand. No? then we are going to take your children.

Nothing at all has changed.

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What we actually need is for the feds to start rounding up cops who are committing crimes (even if those crimes have a thin legal veneer over them). A friend of mine was in Juarez one night when the Federales were driving around in SWAT gear arresting basically the entire local police force for corruption. If someone is thinking, “It’s not that bad in the US,” then all I can say is, “From the outside, it really does appear to be that bad.”

This is a far cry from taking that step, although maybe the DoJ getting itself out of the business is a first step towards being capable of taking some kind of action. Of course the Juarez cops didn’t have tanks.


Don’t count your chickens before they are international corporations with huge political lobbies.

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BoingBoing isn’t an apt metaphor. We have a hungry dictator for life ie the Don’t-Press-Your-Luck-Dragon. We can be as egalitarian as we like, until we raise the dragon’s ire. Then we are coerced into a position of being unable to participate in the discussion further. The rules are entirely enforced through coercion whether it’s the group pressure, or somewhat more external from Falcor, who’s job is to enforce the topic and the written rules which nobody here has much of a say in besides the staff.


I chose bOING bOING as an example only because Zathras and I are both here. It doesn’t illustrate the system I was outlining, but demonstrates how people could organize as a group without concern for or even awareness of members geographic location.

No kidding! I have had words with them about this.

Not quite true. If the rules are explicit, you get say as to whether or not you accept them as terms of participation. What I find far more worrisome are the implied or arbitrary rules which people tend to add to their written rules. I can’t trust groups who make up their rules as they go.

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