Even if social media could eliminate disinformation, it won't fix the problem

Double Plus Good?


Social media amplifying disinformation is a very bad thing that is giving a lot of space to conspiracy theories. A person who spends their day wallowing in stolen election posts on Facebook is going to be a different person than one who spends their day wallowing in baby pictures on Facebook. Fixing social media is important and can do a lot of good.

I think the author agrees with that, since they wrote specifically that solving social media disinformation is a thing we should do.

So why is this headline and this article written to contrast addressing disinformation on social media with fixing a broken political system? Why is is written in a way to try to start a debate where there is none to be had?

That’s something that I would like to fix, the idea that in order to have our own voice heard we need to be arguing with someone else. I think that would greatly complement fixing a broken political system and fighting disinformation.


I see it being implied and touched on in these posts, but the core problem about amplifying misinformation is not social media. It’s media media. The rural conservative bubble has been creating this problem via Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Liddy and others over the air, and at least as many sources in print media for decades. Endless repetition of the false narratives will undo anything that can be accomplished via education.

I’m happy that we have Biden and all three houses this time around, but I don’t see enough force behind likeable unkle Joe to shove this nation onto the right path. We have to push harder than all of the oligarchs and their billions of dollars that are pushing us in the opposite direction.


Rarely one to watch TV on TV, having had no cable since about 2001, I mostly avoid Fox on the broadcast channels. I haven’t turned on the TV in months but wanted to watch the inauguration on the larger screen. At the end out of curiosity I put on the Fox channel. This may have only been local but all of the talking head bozos (I guess they are only on the cable Fox News?) were absent. And the only people on to talk about the inauguration were POC who seemed to be left leaning.

Was fox just giving them their fifteen minutes?

As it was, on the other channels I really just wanted the pundits who they put in the hosting chairs to pipe down. I’d rather hear from historians or that brilliant young poet. Their telling me how significant it is that T was not attending made the event more about T than it needed to be. He has been everything everywhere at every hour for the past four + years. We’re all sick to our stomachs and the nation is traumatized. So please just shut up about him for an hour and a half.

Big time, all of this. It’s an unquestioning cult that believes it’s in on some secret knowledge, and the cult’s gatekeepers got bumped off by a more dynamic, more cynical and psychologically sophisticated guru. They had to choose between leaving it or playing along and they all played along. If they want to fix the thing they created, they need to consider dissolving the cult and bringing in deprogrammers.

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