Expedia cancels family vacation flight, posts "Fuck You" on her account page

Getting an aggregate ratings score of 4.72 or less results in the Uber driver being ‘deactivated’, or fired as the rest of us in reality call it. That number may have changed since I checked last, but I would be surprised.

Edit: Looked into the Uber deactivation score, found the following from June of this year:

According to Uber, the average driver rating is 4.8 and if you fall below 4.6, you will be deactivated. However, you can pay for a customer service class to get reinstated and given a second chance.


Nice match to the Krieger avatar. I can relax and sand the house now. Wishing everyone a cool tool that massages, tonic bathes, IR dries and primes.


This use of the 1-5 scale is just bizarre. To me, 5/5 for anything (be it food, service, drinks, movies or books) happens less than 5% of the time, it’s the grade used for “top 5 this year” or rarer. Gah. I can totally see the management-think behind this, and it is reprehensible. I feel really sorry for the poor bastards that have to get 5/5 from every customer.


I always give them a perfect 5 out of 7.


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