Facebook announces that it's lifting restrictions on Trump's account

But the former staff member is now expected to accuse the company of relaxing its security safeguards for the 2020 election too soon after the presidential election, allowing the platform to be used to help fuel the storming of the Capitol, the Times reported. Facebook managers reportedly believe the former employee will also accuse the company of contributing to the political polarization of the nation.

The 1,500-word memo defending the company, written by Nick Clegg, Facebook’s vice president of policy and global affairs, was sent on Friday to staff in an attempt to “pre-empt the whistleblower’s interview,” the Times reported.

For frictionless, spherical values of surprise.


Whatever happened to #DELETEFACEBOOK

(Or as I always preferred it: #DELETEFUCKINGFACEBOOK)


I know but I enjoy interacting with a very small circle of friends.

We also have a couple local groups that are good for local current events. Whenever we hear those sirens we can count on the local group to let everyone know what kind of car drove into the marsh.


Protect democracy or drive advertising clicks? Tough choice isn’t it Nick?


I’m afraid I take a very robust line on this. Never been on FB. Never will. Don’t give a shit who else is on it or what convenience it offers.

If it were me, I’d say to my friends “I do not wish to use a platform that allows the promotion of fascism and enables genocide (see Myanmar) so I won’t be there from now on. WhatsApp me or email me.”

And if they decided they couldn’t be bothered to make the effort to stay in touch, or respect my position (or even agree with it and do the same), I’d figure they weren’t friends I wanted or needed.

And if it is just a small circle of friends, maybe a WhatsApp group might work (yeah, I know it’s owned by Meta, too - and I hate using it myself, and only do so very sparingly) even if they all stay on FB for other reasons of their own.

But that’s just me.

That’s the sort of “current events” you think makes it worth using Fascistbook?


Signal or Telegram can work for that too. I’m sure they have their problematic aspects, but I refuse to use Facebook products.


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