Facebook announces that it's lifting restrictions on Trump's account

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/12/facebook-announces-that-its-lifting-restrictions-on-trumps-account.html


So we’ve not had to deploy the penalties for extreme and extraordinary circumstances that we are now undeploying, and must therefore have actually deployed in response to extreme and extraordinary circumstances?

Obviously the whole thing is transparently craven; but that’s just plain incoherent.




Facebook (and Instagram and Threads) are also working to quash any critical mention of Project 2025, complete with citing “fact-checking” from a right-wing magazine…


“We banned him from the beer hall in response to extreme and extraordinary circumstances, but now that he’s running for chancellor we decided it would be wrong to continue denying him this public platform.”


Yeah, Weird move on Zuck’s part.


Weird…or scared.


McGann Why

What is wrong with you leave me alone _0cc99251ae84603f2d903c3103f8c021


Timothy Snyder thinks that the media campaign to declare Biden senile and force him to step aside is displacement activity by journalists who are shit-scared of Trump (as they should be) but can’t confront their fears openly.

Much more could be said (as I have done elsewhere), but it is the official big lie and the threats of violence that are dangerous to those whose job is to report truth. Trump is on the record as regarding reports as enemies of the people. What should I make — a journalist might ask — of Trump’s talk of arresting journalists? When not confronted, such questions become self-realizing fears.

That’s the subtle version. Meanwhile, those higher up in corporations might like the ratings Trump brings, or like Trump himself. And so it is easiest to keep things personal — give Trump time, on the self-deluding logic that he will discredit himself, and focus on Biden’s age rather than his achievements. For reporters it can feel like the work is being done when only Biden is at the receiving end of criticism — whereas, in fact, the ground has been shifted by fascism, or by the inability to confront it.


I can’t claim surprise. This is exactly the kind of cowardice I expect from Zuckerberg and Clegg.


Facebook is messed up, recently I’ve seeing posts in my feed with full frontal nudity and very exploitive photos of paparazzi type photos of women, basically upskirt photos.

I’ve reported everyone of them because they violate Facebook’s very clear policy on nudity and exploitation.

Facebook responds telling me nope, they do not violate policy. I appeal, they come back and say nope.

I block the posters, then other posts show up with the same photos. I used to be able to keep a tight control on what’s in my feed but not anymore.

The point? Facebook has no policy for anything.

If it makes them money, then everything is within the rules.

I doubt trump will even post on Facebook, he never came back to Twitter because he’s still trying to keep his platform afloat.


Well, this hasn’t aged well


I’ve had that happen too. I’m convinced at this point that the algorithm just counts all of those reports as engagement and doubles down.

You have to search for friends and family members by name to even find posts from someone you actually know. Scrolling is just a journey through the wasteland.


Timothy Snyder talks about the “Big Lie” that Trump cannot lose an election. Zuckerberg believes that Trump will win, so instead of doing everything he can to prevent a Trump victory he is trying to kiss up so that Trump won’t throw him in prison. He is, as Snyder would say, obeying in advance.


Facebook fears firing-squad, fetes fascist fuckhead.


However… it would be extremely funny if, after all this backpedaling, they banned him -again- , AND made a big public deal of him “repeatedly breaking community standards” /ironic “no one is above the standards (law) -type stuff.

He would probably throw hamberders at the wall again! Ketchup everywhere!

I recently reregistered – I deleted my original back when he got elected.

They decided my account was “inauthentic” and banned me without recourse.

I wonder if this kind of two tier system exacerbates the feelings of persecution some flavors of less tech savvy mentally ill folks have? That feeling that one is being “censored” or that some entity is displeased with their precesce, paired with seeing others flagrantly violate the rules and be allowed back?

(To be clear, prior to leaving, I never had a single negative interaction on FB – I had it locked down, and mostly used it in college/grad school to RSVP to events and share vacation photos – this isn’t a situation where I’m circumventing any kind of moderation on their end… and it looks WEIRD since their userbase is shrinking, so you’d think they’d welcome re-regs with open arms)

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Lance-Corporal Clegg was an Orange Book Lib-Dem. Some things never change.


What’s that? Nick Clegg tries to doom another country to a government of right wing fucknuckles? Well well well. Surprise surprise surprise.


F_c_ F_c_book.

And. Musk just gave a boatload of cash to ■■■■■. F_c_ both of them.