Ferguson grand jury decides not to indict officer who killed unarmed black teen

There was no doubt in anyone’s mind of the order of the shots. Nobody was dumb enough to present testimony that, after shooting Brown, officer Wilson got back back in his car and fired two more shots inside it.


I think it’s more important to “arm” police with cameras. Multiple cameras that they can’t turn off, and which they are financially responsible for. The time for this to become a law is NOW, when this is still fresh in the public eye. Whatever side you’re on, it’s hard to deny that having clear, incontrovertible evidence would have been immensely valuable to this case, instead of just a bunch of conflicting reports from the cop and witnesses.


Again justice has not been served this night.


Police and protestors, according to St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay, have
agreed upon some proposed “rules of engagement” to avoid tension and


Are you fucking kidding me?! If Ferguson’s officers had follow the motherfuking rules of engagement this would had not have happen!

I’m not black, not even latino, but this frustrates me to incommensurable levels. WTF USA?!


The discussion of the Grand Jury’s decision wouldn’t exist if the Police in America just learned to stop killing black kids.


This seems appropriate right now:


Bullshit. Anyone else would have been edict. I’ll say it again, yet another cop gets off for killing a black kid.

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Really not sure what else people were expecting. Police get away with murder in the US. Rodney King was over twenty years ago, but it’s pretty sad how little has changed.


can anyone here tell me whether the office of county prosecutor in missouri is elected or appointed? if it’s elected, when will mccullough be up for re-election? if it’s appointed, who appoints?


Two points from that article, to me, were striking:

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. attorneys prosecuted 162,000 federal cases in 2010, the most recent year for which we have data. Grand juries declined to return an indictment in 11 of them.
However, for grand jury cases involving police shootings:
In Harris County, Texas, for example, grand juries haven’t indicted a Houston police officer since 2004; in Dallas, grand juries reviewed 81 shootings between 2008 and 2012 and returned just one indictment.
Correlation is not causation, but those data are not encouraging.

Cops can kill you, rape you, jail you & steal from you with impunity - especially if you’re not rich and white.

I may be repeating the obvious, but we’re way past the time obvious suffices. The US DoJ had better step-in and remedy MO’s insulting travesty!


Artist-made video, but apparently the stats are correct:

  • 3 people per DAY are killed in the U.S. by “law enforcement” officers
  • black male teens are 21 times more likely to be killed than white male teens

We’d be sending in the troops if this happened in a country where we didn’t have control over the oil and gas industries.


MLK (like many others) just happened to be murdered after his speeches become more radical and class oriented.


Speaking of:

There you go guys…


I’m not sure the majority of whites really liked him anyway - they really love his cleaned up image, but not him as he was. @dobby does make a point about the alternatives looking scarier to middle America, and Malcolm X was cognizant of that.


Sounds like Rob’s mind was made up before the verdict or evidence was revealed. Call this what you will but please don’t pretend it’s journalism.

Even if his assassination were a COINTELPRO or other organized strike I have never really gotten into it as I can see no useful purpose to the effort. I doubt that America could believe it was the FBI or other organization that did it, and I wonder if he is stronger as a martyr murdered by the universal every-racist lone gunman/bomber.


There was doubt in the statement given duting the Press Conference, which I was listening to WHILE writing that. The statement was along the lines of “we cannot confirm the order of the shots, nor have we recovered all the bullets”

And nobody here said that either. You added to what I said to disagree with what you added. It really speaks to the strength of your point. (that was sarcasm there)

So, more seriously, how far away from his car did the officer make it, by the way? 150 feet? Like Mike Brown managed to? How many shots were fired from the car, and from outside?

How many were necessary? Do you think it’s distracting that you can argue about fault? The kid was killed with 14 bullets. FOURTEEN.

That’s almost one for every year of his life. totally reasonable outcome, of course.


Everything on BB is opinion. Ain’t nobody ever said it wasn’t.