Financial Times columnist advocates imprisoning dirty corporate executives

Most I’ve met took showers, but bathed in filthy lucre, so it’s a wash.

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deleted. Wrong article. 'scuse pleez.

Yet they can never quite get rid of that stench …


I would love to see a corporation that killed somebody dismantled.

The officers in cases of wrong doing as described should face criminal charges. And the shareholders should also suffer loss for appointing such people to run their corps. Unless they both suffer harm, they will never work to avoid wrong-doing.


Lots of people. How many local restaurants are corporations?

Sadly, far too many franchises. But I applaud your point.

Can we set a general limit of 10 million dollars, beyond which financial crimes like bribery, fraud, etc. are treated as capital crimes? Lives have a median liability value somewhere less than that. At least that would finally put an end to the death penalty.


It shields them from torts, not criminal charges.

How about “all of them that aren’t run by idiots?” Running a public-facing business with potential customer health repercussions as a sole propietorship is dumb as hell.


My Dad used to run his own hardware store as a sole trader. When a big corporate hardware discounter (Bunnings) opened a store stocked with “loss leaders” a block away, his business collapsed. And, yes, he lost everything. Retirement savings, house, car, the lot. Declared bankruptcy once there was no other option.

The discounts at the big corporate store reduced sharply once the local competition had been driven out of business, of course.

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That’s terrible.

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In practice, though, it does shield individuals from criminal charges, if the corporation is large enough.

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