Floods, Fires, and Heat Domes (the climate change thread) (Part 1)


Not exactly news, as such, just more data for Il Douche and company to deny and ignore. Our generation will be vilified by future historians, assuming there are any.






“Business as usual.”


I’ve actually been thinking of moving to Las Vegas. Abundant solar energy means you can cool your home, run a fridge etc even if the grid fails. And despite being a desert they don’t use nearly their full share of their CO river rights.

I saw an interactive map a while back (perhaps on BB) that showed effects of global warming on various cities… aside from more heat waves Vegas will fare surprisingly well - no tornados, floods etc. and the extra water rights can be bartered to Cali for food.

Plus never underestimate the value of snobbery on finding cheap rent. As hipsters burrow deeper into Brooklyn, I have a friend who has a hassle free commute from a cheap (by ny standards) apt in… New Jersey (gasp)

Vegas is Cali’s NI. Supposed woke liberals shit on it because working class people live there.

Cheap real estate, legal weed, climate proof… what’s not to love?

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ah? and where is that water/food supposed to come from? and isnt lake mead shrinking?




Happy Earth Day y’all!

“All you need is a dream in your heart…”

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As I mentioned previously the Colorado River

Regardless of if a specific lake is shrinking, the Colorado river passes through Nevada to reach California.

Do you think the Colorado river will cease to reach California?

If not, then NV will retain their water rights. Since their rights are greater than their needs, they can barter increasing the rights to their share to Colorado, CA, and surrounding states for other forms of aid. (Ex: food, since NV isn’t the best for growing crops). Or simply charge for the rights and purchase food with the money.

Currently, a majority of NV’s food (plant food that is, there is cattle grazing as the Bundy situation showed), is imported.

isnt lake mead fed by the colorado river?

Do you think the Colorado river will cease to reach California?

no, but I do think that much less will reach it, even in the short-term foreseeable future:

Beyond that drain, climate change is bringing on a long-term crisis. “The Colorado River, and the entire Southwest, has shifted to a new hotter and drier climate, and, equally important, will continue to shift to a hotter and drier climate for several decades after we stop emitting greenhouse gases,”…In a warming world, Dr. Overpeck said, less water in rivers and lakes is inevitable, whatever relief a wet season might bring. But for the most part, Western political leaders “don’t want to talk about it,” he said. “It is the disaster that’s over the horizon, if we don’t talk about it.”


Considering that it used to reach the Gulf of California but now peters out well in advance of that, I’d say it’s not an impossibility if people continue to insist on moving to an area that requires vast amounts of energy and water expenditure to sustain life in the midst of a climate change-induced drought that will probably only get worse, yes.


To all those who think Extinction Rebellion is inconvenient to them.

Also, it is awesome to hear that Swampy is still around.



“Strong winds hollowed out the sea-ice that had stuck hard to the side of the thicker Brunt shelf in its creeks, and never properly reformed. Not in 2017, nor in 2018.”

Dr Fretwell said: “The sea-ice that’s formed since 2016 hasn’t been as strong. Storm events that occur in October and November will now blow it out early. So there’s been some sort of regime change. Sea-ice that was previously stable and reliable is now just untenable.”


This is for you acrostic:

Drilling a third intake from the bottom of Lake Mead to supply Las Vegas. The other intakes were unable to draw water with the dropping lake level.


That should fix it. By drawing from the bottom it gives the top a chance to fill up.

(Best I could do. I’m tired)


I think Las Vegas will be OK because, no matter what happens, Phoenix (5th largest U.S. city!) will have it worse. LV can always go, hey, at least we’re not those guys!

I’m very curious what rationale was used in the article acrostic read. @anon62577920, do you remember where you read it?

I’m going to be putting a sun shade over parts of my garden this year because last year some veggies literally cooked on the vine.

Many more bugs last year.

Change is here.

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Growing figs outdoors was never a possibility in my neck of the valley. Until about 3-4 years ago. Now they are doing quite nicely. I am actually growing a type of citrus outdoors now. The gardener in me is kinda thrilled, but the rest of me is in shocked, “holy shit, this just cannot be good” mode. Gonna try yuzu next year. If the warming is coming, I will try to make what use I can.


This is just the beginning. We cannot afford to assume that they will do everything needed, we need to constantly remind them that they cannot slow down or stop just because we aren’t in the spotlight anymore.