Apparently, the “shepherding behavior” part might not be accurate, but there is precedence for other animals using wombat burrows for shelter… If you scroll down to the greenpeaceNZ instagram, it shows that part marked through (it won’t let me link to it directly here, for some reason).
Those things are that big??
Me either. But the google says:
Wombats grow to about 40 inches long and can weigh between 44 and 77 pounds.
Oi. Gophers on roids!
I think that’s a photo of the current largest-wombat record holder.
OTOH, they used to be even bigger:
Looks like Silhouette Man is asking for a dance.
More co2 the old fashioned way
Eco-fascists are trying to hijack Extinction Rebellion
It’s not helped by Priti Patel defending labelling XR a terrorist organisation
His condemnation came after the home secretary, Priti Patel, defended the decision, saying it was important to look at “a range of security risks”.
While accepting that XR was not a terrorist organisation, Patel told LBC radio that such an assessment had to be “based in terms of risk to the public, security risks, security threats”.
“We can’t do anything about climate change because it would hurt the economy”.
A grand day for the promotion of tourism in Oz. Globally televised.
those are freedom particles
World’s richest bloke battles Oz catastro-fire with incredible AU$1m donation (aka load of cheap greenwashing)
So, no worries…
Do we have the technology to reverse this? Yes. Does anyone want to pay setup and operating costs? Nope, no profit in it.
Murdoch press denying its own editorials actually happened; still full of shit