Floods, Fires, and Heat Domes (the climate change thread)

The big eruption of January last year blew 150 MT of water into the stratosphere :hushed:

The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Hydration of the Stratosphere
L. Millán, et al.
Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 49, Issue 13, 16 July 2022

Key Points

  • The mass of SO2 and HCl injected is comparable to that from prior eruptions, whereas the magnitude of the H2O injection is unprecedented
  • Excess stratospheric H2O will persist for years, could affect stratospheric chemistry and dynamics, and may lead to surface warming

This could then be the cause/a compounding factor of, in particular, the sudden spike in sea surface temperatures and heat waves in general. We’re seeing the theme of “something has tipped over” in various media outlets (such as a recent CP story via Toronto Star). It seems plausible that this eruption is the “something”, or a big part of it.

If so that’s slightly less apocalyptic, which is good. Other factors are at play (per Guardian article below) that are bad. At least there’s a solid chance that in 10 years we might catch a break. :roll_eyes:


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