Floods, Fires, and Heat Domes (the climate change thread)

Has anyone asked Ronald Hamburger for a statement yet?


I often wonder when rising sea levels overtake the post-glacial rebound.


Same here in Ontario and Quebec :canada:. You can almost drive to Nunavut now, depending on whether or not Nunavut starts at the waterline of Hudson Bay today, or when it was designated as a separate territory in 1993. The picture of the tree lines along the old beach levels, at the top of the following article, is quite striking.


This is happening around the Great Lakes, as well. The predication is that eventually, they will stop draining into the Mississippi and switch to the St Lawrence seaway directly to the Atlantic. Not this week, but, but you know, eventually.


Heads up @FloridaManJefe !


Rats. Lots of rats.


charlotte rampling GIF by FilmStruck



Ayan Fleischmann, a geoscience researcher at the Mamirauá Institute, said several possible causes were being investigated, including disease and sewage contamination. But he said the water depth and temperature were “certainly a main component” of the mass mortality. “At 6pm yesterday, in Lake Tefé we measured more than 39C (102.2F). This is very hot, horrible.” For context, 37C would be considered a hot bath for humans

at these temperatures, it obvious what the cause is; dolphins are mammals with basically the same body-temperature as us. 39C in water is equivalent to 39C wetbulb on land.

and the amazon is drying up:

The level of the Amazon, the world’s biggest river, has fallen by 30cm each day over the past two weeks. At this time of year, the average depth in Manaus is 4.4 metres (14ft) lower from its rainy season peak. This year, it has already dried up by 7.4 metres, which local biologists have described as “absurd”

fuck. fuuuuuuuuuuuck!


thats ok. but; maybe give it a try, and just watch at least the third episode “Long, Long Time”, the tale of bill and frank. its basically a movie within the series and its just fucking amazing!


aaaaand the record is broken;

[Update] It’s now preliminarily the wettest calendar day on record (since 1948) at JFK.

Since midnight: 7.88"

Previous wettest day: 7.80"

7.88", thats about 200 l/sqm…sure we can do better next time, I mean…mumbai experienced twice as much last year… /s

and I get more and more the impression that something like the plot of lastOfUs is the only chance/option the planet/ecosphere has left. maybe its inevitable and just part of the great filter; civillisation burns fossil-fuels, it gets hot and adapted fungi kicks in as a “corrective” event.


jah, well, he said that for the last 30 years…cant share his -somewhat- optimism. not anymore.

Whether or not he’s correct, the choices are we lay down and die or we do something about this shit. I know which I’d prefer here.


thats not what I said. I know my footprint and I intent to keep it that way. at the same time I know exactly it doesnt mean shit, but I do it anyway because I am not an ignorant asshole.

edit/ its just…there are certain things we cant stop anymore, no matter what; searise is now completly out of our hand, there is literally nothing anymore to stop that whatsoever. and there is no way we take 40gt of co2 out of the atmosphere every year let alone the 500ish already injected on top of that. none. and even if; the oceans will then begin to outgas the co2 which was dumped there and it will be even more to suck out off the air. all under the presumption of a total carbon-free society. I dont see that at all.


It’s pretty clear that we have to keep pushing for large systemic change, since our foot print, even collectively together, is tiny compared to the real cause of the damage to our environment, which is corporations. That’s where the focus should be - not that we shouldn’t do what we can as individuals, but it’s the collective work we need to push for. Again, we can keep putting pressure on our governments for that change, or we can let corporations win and destroy us all… The POINT I was making is that the fight for this isn’t over and we shouldn’t act as if it is…


I get that. is that also michaels manns opinion? cause he actually doesnt strike me as an anti-capitalist but I could be wrong.

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kinda. it seems so for the last 30 years. its always micheal mann because he doesnt sound “doomish” and never james hansen because he seems like a “doomer”. he aint. he is just -in my opinion- way more honest about whats to come and what we can do about it. and he is “doomish” for the past 40 years and was -so far- pretty much right on target.

anyways, im eating now. back in an hour. aww, maybe while…

edit/ on a sidenote; actually, nobody in climate-science says the species is doomed. but civillisation as we know it might be. Im pretty certain of that.

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