Florida book banners ban book on book bans

You’ve hit the nail on the head. Rings, circles and cliques are great for the fortunate minority who by virtue of a clever choice of parents end up on the inside.

The whole of Republican politics since the Tea Party era is about a small power elite persuading support from a substantial minority of the out-of-circle population based on certain factors of supposed superiority derived from superficial similarities.

I may be poor but I’m white. I may be poor but I’m Christian. I may be poor but I’m straight. It’s a kind of anti-intersectionality. I may be poor but I’m a true American, I believe in the dream that everyone can get rich by working hard enough.

Sorry, I’m rambling a bit. To address the actual topic, this ban is merely an attempt to cover up the evidence of the Florida government’s crimes against free speech.


Let’s say it’s due to… The Magritte Complex.


Slightly different take: These are folks who were in the “inner circle” in school, when your parents, your neighborhood, your country club membership determined your status. When they got out into the real world and found that they actually had to accomplish stuff, it crushed them. Seeing people who were on the outside moving past them in social standing outraged them, and then this MAGAt shit came along and promised to put them back on top, where they are certain they belong, and put those others “back in their place.” Not that this explains all of them, and there are certainly many other “just so” stories to apply, but i know this applies to some i know.



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