Game developers flee Unity after exorbitant price plan announced, but not everyone can get out

yeah, everything you said is right. and this:

if unity is willing to do this now: what are they willing to do tomorrow? they’ve proven they’re willing to screw developers retroactively – no one can afford that kind of uncertainty

i posted an ars article about this the other day. their lawyers said this:

Our terms of service provide that Unity may add or change fees at any time… Consent is not required for additional fees to take effect, and the only version of our terms is the most current version; you simply cannot choose to comply with a prior version.

i can imagine many hooks they might use for “agreement”: patches of the game, auto-updates of the engine used by the game, any service that the game uses ( ads, trophies, cloud saves. ), or terms of service for the end-user – and there’s some talk about how the tos has always referred to a much larger body of text that changed quite a while back…

you’re right it’s going to be a fight, but they must feel like they can win.

and while it plays out, who can risk it?