General Moderation Topic

@Max_Blancke is no longer welcome at the BBS.

This was a careful and considered response on my part, in large part after reading the topic What to do with Confederate statues? which showed a continued pattern of Max using false equivalence to try and suggest that the narrative of a topic was invalid because #NotAllSomethingSomething (in the case of that topic, that not all those who want the removal of statues are acting in good faith).

There has been a consistent pattern of this behaviour, and it always leads to the same thing - complete derailment of the topic by pointing out that a few bad actors don’t change the fundamental facts, and that those bad actors are usually not relevant to the original post anyway. These positions are often double- or triple-downed upon.

I leave it as an exercise to the reader if such represents “trolling” in the classical sense, but it does, unquestionably, represent toxic discourse we do not need to be having on the BBS, hence this decision.