Glenn Greenwald on Bill Maher, who calls Edward Snowden "totally batsh*t"

So not relevant that it borders on character assassination. Falls very much in the category of no one’s fucking business. But I tell you what? If I expected the government of the United States to do its damnedest to keep tabs on me, and anyone I was involved with, I wouldn’t be having intimate conversations with anyone.


So…Maher mentions that Snowden says “BATSHIT CRAZY things”, but it’s somehow offensive when in responding to Maher that we might use colloquial expletives in return? Somehow that’s out of bounds. Okay, a conversation originates from a point of hyperbolic mockery, people respond in kind, but with alternative arguments, and somehow that requires pearl clutching, and OMG it’s twitter in here.

Sorry, but concern trolling over a video that is concern trolling to begin with is so meta.


Keeping a copy of the constitution on your desk so you can point out to your superiors why it’s illegal to do what they’re asking = subversive? The dude is the definition of a patriot. Considering these guys are paid hackers with a government toolbox I’m thinking subversive is probably a job requirement.

Anyway, if you agree with Maher are you able to point out any of these batshit crazy things he’s allegedly said? The ones Maher said in the interview were entirely reasonable assessments of the NSA’s capabilities.

PS: You can swear in the comments - they just asterisk the page title incase people are behind nanny-grade work/school keyword filtering on sites or URLs.


So you’re grabbing a metric shit-ton of documents that will most assuredly heap discredit (at the very least) upon the most powerful nation In. The. Fucking. World. I’m gonna step waaay out here on a limb and say that Snowden was a touch worried about his friends and family once the allegations he made hit CNN. How I see Snowden’s stress worksheet:

1) Are you getting a divorce? 5 points 2) Are you moving? 5 points 3) Are you revealing the inner workings of the security apparatus of the most powerful nation in the world that has (AUMF) authorization to kill/murder/death anyone anywhere at a moment's notice, because terr'rism? 6,000,000 points and please stab yourself in the chest while singing the "Star Spangled Banner"
Oh, gosh, he stopped communicating with his girlfriend. Maybe he even left that adorable little puppy he thought of adopting back at the shelter, too, huh? I won't insult your intelligence by listing every single nasty thing the covert services of the US of A have done in the service of the Global War on Terrrorism (GWAT) because I'm not aware of those things (and golly gee, neither are you or the other 99% of Americans for at least the next thirty years), but suffice it to say that one can take a single look at Guantanamo, among a long list of others, and be very very afraid. And, for that matter, now that you've lit the fire under the ass of (dare I repeat myself, oh gee, I will) The Most Powerful Nation On This Fucking Earth, you, as a pale little 60-ish% bag of water, might be a touch afraid of what that nation might do to you or your family. Do you really find that datapoint shocking? Because, frankly, I don't in the least. Sever all communications with everyone you love because you're likely departing on a course to the deepest parts of the ocean sans neat-o Ed Harris Super Suit.

Cry me a fucking river. The American public has been in the dark for so long even though we’ve been paying for any number of shitty, nasty, fucked-up covert operations that come to light thirty years later and usually under the “oh, man, we really fucked that up, eh?” label. So, if you will, one side has been operating with utter clarity and (mostly) total focus, while the other side (that would be us fucknuts) hasn’t the faintest clue for the most part and has to rely on the meager handouts given to us after we ask nicely and on our knees only to receive a “heavily redacted” document that says nothing. Spare me the “can’t we all just get along” bullshit.

Would you care to point to the unreasoned and entirely speculative flamebaiting going on right now? Again, spare me the lets-be-friends nonsense because there is blood in the water that is very definitely worth focusing on. The American government has been doing some seriously horrible things, in relation to non-citizens, in relation to the undermining of fundamental global communication technologies, in relation to its own citizenry, for decades with our tacit consent and compliance. If I might say this in a non-Twitter way so as not to upset you or anyone else (because, gosh), fuck you and your milksop-ness.
Also, I’m knee, well, chest deep into bottle X of 500 BC IPA (it was brewed in Humbolt, yo), so please feel free to utterly ignore my comments. I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings and make them cry, you know? BECAUSE 'MERICA FUCK YEAH.
Lastly, this comment has been verified as being Fair and Balanced.


I want to buy you ice cream.


It was a general you, not a yew ewe, but point taken. Me too. I’d be all up in their grille.

I think that’s probably very much at the heart of things.

Yeah, WTF Maher.

You don’t count anymore to me.

I was brought up by liberal, nearly hippie parents and I grew up believing that Republicans were 100% wrong and not as smart as liberals. Up until Clinton, I think they thought that liberals were 100% right. Wrong on both counts. The Republican think tanks and leadership have been brilliant at amassing power and controlling the political conversation. Liberals, just like Republicans, have shown themselves willing to throw truth out the window in order to support their leader.

“My guy no matter what” is never gonna work. Give a person or group unquestioning respect and begin the countdown to abuse of power. Liberals need to get out of denial, admit that their party has been co-opted, and go from there.

There you go again, attempting to intimidate by using fancy things like “words” and “punctuation.”

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unthinking people can at least be content, or might be led to think.

thats quite the narrative, but I think its about 15 years behind the times.

which is still 10 years ahead of where the conservatives are stuck.

and 40 behind your parents.

Well, if I had to take a call at 4 a.m., I’d rather it was from Bill Maher’s “drug dealer”. At least I’d get an offer of some “primo bud”, instead of the often horrible bad news you get when the phone rings at 4 a.m.

It was totally, blindingly obvious by early 2011 that we were in the third Bush term as far as civil liberties are concerned. Yet there was no effort to challenge Obama in the primaries nor any meaningful effort for a third party.

It’s entirely possible that the Democrats will nominate Hillary in 2016, and the GOP a candidate who can run as a civil libertarian by comparison (Rand Paul??). In that event, the tap-dancing and rationalization on sites like this is going to be wondrous to behold.

I believe that above all, Snowden represents integrity in defending the constitution and the people of his country. This to me differs from idealistic hopes and dreams; it is a clear commitment, followed by clear actions, taken at a high personal risk.

I like Bill, and yet, throwing a label (“nut”) at the messenger is way too simple and sensationalist to honor the reality of the situation. But hey, it’s TV.

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How about a Snowden Cone?

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