GM's Dieselgate: mechanics privately admit update removes crimeware from Opel cars

Why not begin requiring corporations to explicitly serve the public interest instead of presuming that’s done through profitabilty? Profitability does not necessarily serve the public interest.

For example, start by requiring corporate compliance with GNU licensing freedoms except in cases where a compelling public interest is demonstrated in advance to a federal administrative law judge.

Provide further enforcement of the rule and accelerate alignment from corporations with the new rule by including a private right of action for interested consumers. Change the CFR so nonprofit legal services firms can handle the claims.

Corporations should serve the public interest, not the other way around.


Don’t forget to invest into politicians that will divert the money to you, whether due to direct subsidies, making your tech mandatory, or banning the competitors’ one.

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Harness my greed for the greater good?

I wouldn’t want to anger The Market…

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