Google Perspective API experiment

We’re decided to try out Discourses Perspective API integration.

Google’s Perspective API (One of the Google Jigsaw projects, designed to help independent web sites like ours) is designed to try and gauge the toxicity of comments - sending a notification to users if a comment is phrased in a such a way to derail or inflame discussions, or likely to violate the first rule of our community guidelines: be cool.

Especially toxic posts will be alerted to moderators, which should allow us to take action against users who may not technically be violating our guidelines, but instead are posting in such a way that other posters are likely to disengage, or with the opposite intent - intending to polarize and rile up our community (read: trolling).

This support is highly experimental and Discourse has had few sites this large using this API, so we’ll give it a shot and see how it goes.

Additionally, it should be noted that @doctorow wrote about the unreliability of Perspective only a year ago. so we are taking on this project with a huge grain of rock salt, but a lot can change in a year.

Please feel free to use this topic to discuss the plugin and any results you see from its’ use.


Technical info on the plugin itself:


This is going to be interesting.


Beta Testers, Catherine Beta Jones - Off the Mark by Mark Parisi


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