Google "respectfully disagrees" with €2.42 billion fine

Wait for what?

Of course I do not. That’s why I qualified it in contrast to “deep” infrastructure. Utility companies require specialized infrastructure. Whereas most all web services are using hardware which is very similar to what the users already have. Instead, the difference is mainly one of scale. So sitting at your computer and writing code will not make one into a competitor to a gas, electric, or phone company. But it can yield you a service such as Google - or Facebook, or eBay, or other companies which people commonly describe as monopolies which actually aren’t.

All it takes to undo their perceived monopoly is for people to use one of the many other already existing services. That people often don’t, and still complain about it, is what puzzles me. The dynamic seems more like people being hostage to a toxic relationship which they know is bad for them, but that they are too comfortable to leave. It sounds more like a psychological problem.

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