Google shows off AI "news article" writer to newspapers, leaving newspapers to wonder who did the fact-finding, investigating and reporting

Jebus Christ, the AI people are astoundingly clueless. It’s one thing to pitch something without fully understanding their business, but it’s something else entirely to just pretend their basic business doesn’t even exist, as if journalism comes into being through spontaneous generation. I have to say, if I had been a journalist hearing that presentation, I’d be moved to (verbal) violence, loudly questioning the basic intelligence of the presenters and strongly suggesting that perhaps their jobs would better be replaced by AI.

Coincidentally I just this minute learned of multiple “gamer news” sites which are apparently fully AI-generated, scraping Reddit for content. Reddit users figured this out and started having discussions about nonsense game features to see if they could get the AI to post articles about them, which apparently they have. One site’s “World of Warcraft” news seems to be about half nonsense, thanks to this - “articles” about how players are looking forward to the introduction of “Glorbo” and the new map of Colombia in the game. I just noticed another, identical website that clearly got all its content the same way, ironically with an article about how Diablo players were concerned about AI-written articles scraped from Reddit…

Nah, because the investigative journalist still has to write down what they found out, and running it through an AI isn’t remotely going to make it better. The journalist has to be able to convey what’s important and why, as that’s not information the AI can even figure out. All the AI can really do is arrange the text in a conventional way.