Google's new product identifies whether a comment could be perceived as “toxic" to a discussion

While I am endlessly annoyed by the trolls who appear to spend all day finding aticles they don’t like and adding vile and hateful comments in ALL CAPS WITH EXCLAMATIONS!!! – at the same time, I’m not sure this tool would help me much. It appears to gauge toxicity solely by the presence of pejoratives and expletives, but I have no problem with those. Now, if I could get it to not show me any posts with the word “libtard,” I’d love it


Ha ha, good point. You know what, though, trollery would actually be far more bearable for me if it were only in the genteel terms of rational discourse. You think we can get it to filter out bad spelling and gross syntactical errors too?

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Is that how führer is spelled? I thought the h came first, which could explain some things with her results.


It’d never work here on boingboing since 90% of the comments are animated gifs.


“fuhrer” is only 12%.


I think the Mayans were on to something.


Hey what if it could also filter the whole internet to match up with my confirmation bias.

What? We already have that? It’s called Google?


The military has symbols for labeling all sorts of stuff. In the early days of the self heating MRE’s, they were labeled as food and a hazard (poison?).


Not that it really has much to do with the post other than the picture, but, as someone who named their son Milo 10 years ago, can we let this douchebag’s 15 minutes be up already…?



I assumed your “see also” was a link to the appropriate XKCD, but apparently not, so I will remedy the situation:


Content note: contains deliberately horrible things I do not mean (well except the last one) in service of beta-testing.

I think that, in my opinion, people of Jewish extraction should be given free showers and then made toasty-warm. Or, perhaps, given free rides in helicopters. All the best, either way. All the best.

3% Toxic

It is my opinion that Comrade Stalin did nothing wrong but was, in fact, a benefactor to all of humanity. His ingenious policies in the Ukraine, especially, were a boon to mankind because, as is well known, the reduction in the number of less-than-human counter-revolutionaries is a great thing. Comrade Stalin was, in fact, love and the light and the way.

3% toxic

Arabs are a people with a tradition of poetry and philosophy, and those who call them towelheads and sand-niggers are terrible bigots.

79% toxic.

3/10, must try harder.


Fuck this shit I hate this fuckin bullshit and I hate all of you because you’re haters and fuck you and you and you and you fuck off with your fucking bullshit you bunch of bullfuckshitfuckers.





Besides the obvious question “What could POSSIBLY go wrong”, you really went over there to train the sentiment analysis software? Oh, my. Why?

Ladies, Gents, as someone who has some background in statistics (but none in ‘digital humanities’, admittedly), I strongly recommend to worry about people who tell you that any form of tech, especially based on statistics, is going to solve the problem of humans acting un-ethical or immoral.

While I’m at it, I would recommend to worry about anybody who prefers technical solutions above societal solutions for anything.


The more intelligent trollies will survive, the people off their meds or on the wrong drugs won’t get through it. At least insults may get more creative. Instead of Trump being a cockwomble or whatever is the insult du jour, he will have to be a deficient piece of erectile tissue.
But thanks to the alt-right it’s going to be really difficult to have a discussion about the symmetry of snowflakes.

I don’t know, it seems a good result to me because normally the next word would be “but”. “Not every” implies a high percentage. If “A tiny minority of Arabs are terrorists” was flagged I would be concerned.


That’s a good point, a lot of the derogatory terms the alt-right uses are not negative at all, Social Justice Warrior for example, how can anybody see that as a insult, I’m all for social justice and would be proud to be classified as warrior for this cause.

How would a computer discern between a “positive trolley”* like @Papasan or @Modusoperandi using alt-right terms and sarcasm to make a clever point and a actual alt-right trolley using positive terms and sarcasm to make a negative or even hateful post. Sometimes even I can’t see the difference!

*Positive trolley is meant in the most loving respectful way :wink: