Guess who donated all the money to Black Americans for a Better Future Super PAC? Rich white men

the exclusive prerogative of rich white dudes (or at least that’s what the rich white dudes want…)


Pandas on meth



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“well-trained” African-Americans, eh?


Although I do understand the objections to Mr. Jackson’s political views, I don’t understand why it’s so utterly reprehensible for white people to donate money to political causes championed by black men.

It’s already been explained to me that white people aren’t allowed to take leadership positions in black political movements like BLM, and that’s totally not racism at all, and anyone who objects is just a racist tool of capitalist oppression. I get that, it’s cool, stay chill. But are white people not even allowed to donate money to black people? That’s off the table now? What about the NAACP, can white people still donate to that?

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I think black people should play black people.

Melanin out.


And they would have gotten away with it too, if not for those meddling kids.

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I prefer the more traditional “con man” myself


“No, no. You misunderstand, we meant we’re in the black. You know, as in turning a profit. Red Americans for a Better Future couldn’t even get their shit together.”


I don’t think it is, necessarily. NAACP gets a lot of corporate sponsors from companies run/owned by rich white guys.

In this case I think the question is: is this a legit org for and about black Americans for a better future, with black American’s at the helm? Or is this basically a shell organization made to funnel political funds and at the same time have a diverse sounding name.


Agreed. If the President were truly relentless in his pandering, surely we would all know about it.

A truly relentless pandering President would, for example, pander during his State of the Union address. He would pander during press conferences. He would pander while making a few carefully prepared off-the-cuff remarks for a few select reporters. He would pander to the public, to legislators, and to his family alike, relentless pandering as only a President can pander.

A truly relentless pandering President would pander by day, and also by night, pausing in his Presidential labors only to pander in his relentless pandering dreams.

Granted, I don’t pay much attention to the press. But to my eye, it looks like Obama spends most of his time being President.


It certainly sounds like the causes they are championing are not the causes supported by most African-Americans. So the name is misleading at best. (Do they even have more than one black guy on board?)


Which causes are those, exactly? You do realize there are black republicans in 2016. One was even running for President. Allen West is another vocal black conservative. Colion Noir is mainly a 2nd Amendment supporter, but IIRC he was pro-Republican on youtube before getting his NRA gig. I bet there are 3 or 4 more. There are also gay Republicans.

That I don’t know. It could be an org set up basically to fund a mouth piece, which would be a rather misleading name. Perhaps just Black American (no s) for a Better Future.


I think the only story here is that a washed up, out of touch, former political hustler managed to con $0.5MM from some rich white tools.

If you look at Raynard’s website, it contains:

  • “Recent Columns” that end in 2009.
  • “Upcoming Events” that occurred in 2007.
  • “Raynard in the News” citations that end in 2002.

His autobiography is, predictably, from a vanity press publisher.

This guy apparently retired almost a decade ago!


In my opinion the only ways that organization’s name could be considered honest was if either

  1. It was largely funded and organized by actual African Americans, or
  2. It supported causes that African Americans as a group tend to support, or at least are more likely to support than to oppose.



“Pandering” originally meant “pimping,” which I’m told is not easy. Relentful pandering will get you nowhere.


The only relentless pandering I’m seeing is coming from Trump.

As a foreigner I was aware that there were black republicans. Its just that I thought ALL of them were either running for president or part of a Super PAC con scheme.


I can just imagine all these old white rich oligarchs sitting in some exclusive whites only country club reminiscing about how much cheaper it used to be to buy one black man.

To those that don’t see the issue with this, it is that they are essentially setting up an organization and paying a african american man to be the face of it, that represents their rich white interests in an attempt to trick african americans into supporting their interests, which are interests that don’t server the larger african american community.

The Republicans don’t have much traction in minority communities for a good reason, many of the parties stances are not in the best interest of those communities. Buying off people to create a false face and trick them, just shows how out of touch they are and how little they think of these people.

I hereby dub this “political blackface”, white men and white interests masquerading as an african american political group.